Connecting Clauses 1
Connecting Clauses 2
Subject-Verb Agreement
Verb Tense Consistency
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement

An _______________ is a clause that can stand on its own as a sentence. It contains both a subject and a verb, and it expresses a complete thought.

What is an independent clause?


A _____________ occurs when two independent clauses are joined by only a comma.

What is a comma splice?


Select the verb option that agrees with the subject(s): "Peonies and dahlias ___ blooming our garden." [is / are]

What is "are"?


Select the option that best maintains verb tense consistency: "This is my favorite store! It ______ the cutest gifts." [sells / sold]

What is "sells"?


Select the pronoun that agrees with its antecedent(s): "Mariah and Vivian are running together for student council president and vice-president, and ____ campaign is off to a strong start." [her / their]

What is "their"?


The boldfaced portion is a ___________ clause: "After she finished her exams, she slept for 12 hours."

What is dependent?


The boldfaced portion is a _____________ clause: "We went into the library for shelter while it stormed."

What is independent?


Select the verb option that agrees with the subject(s): "One of us ____ to go first." [has / have]

What is "has"?


Select the option that best conforms to the conventions of standard English: "If the skies look clear tomorrow morning, they _______ the graduation ceremony outside." [hold, will hold, have held]

What is "will hold"?


Select the option that best conforms to the conventions of standard English: "This shop is raising ____ prices." [its / their]

What is "its"?


A dependent and an independent clause can be joined by a ________. 

What is a comma?


Two independent clauses can be joined by a comma followed by a _______________. 

What is a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS)?


Select the option that best conforms to the conventions of standard English: "A pod of dolphins ____ swimming across the bay." [is / are]

What is "is"?


Select the option that best conforms to the conventions of standard English: "I was swimming with my friends when the thunderstorm ______." [starts, started, had started]

What is "started"?


Select the option that best conforms to the conventions of standard English: "Marisol wrote a list of the school supplies she needs, and she put ___ by the front door so that she won't forget to go shopping." [it / them]

What is "it"?


FANBOYS stands for...

What are for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so?


The following sentence is a comma splice. To fix it, you could replace the second comma with a ___________: "On the whole, this review paints a negative picture of the film, however, the critic praises some performances."

What is a semicolon?


Select the option that best conforms to the conventions of standard English: "Neither my teammates nor my coach _________ we need an extra practice before the game." [think / thinks]

What is "thinks"?


Select the option that best conforms to the conventions of standard English: "Mariam is visiting her aunt tomorrow. They ____________ each other since Thanksgiving." [do not see, have not seen, had not seen]

What is "have not seen"?


Select the option that best conforms to the conventions of standard English: "The team held _____ heads high despite a stinging defeat." [its / their] 

What is "their"?


Fix this sentence: "Marina loves fashion, she dreams of designing her own label someday."

[teachers will evaluate response]


Fix this sentence: "Ayesha and Mona are inseparable, they do everything together."

[teachers will evaluate response]


Select the option that best conforms to the conventions of standard English: "Each of the stamps in her collection, which spans more than seventy years of American history, __________ a unique design." [feature / features]

What is "features"?


Select the option that best conforms to the conventions of standard English: "By the time my sister called me, I _________ the good news already." [heard / have heard / had heard] 

What is "had heard"?


Select the option that best conforms to the conventions of standard English: "The chess club hosted _____ annual tournament this week." [its / their]

What is "its"?