Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Test 4
Test 5

We have to care ………… the earth, it belongs ………… everyone.

for / about --- to 


The greatest plot ever planned …………….. the British Government was that of a group of politicians ……………….. 1605

against --- in 


The …………………… (easy) way to prevent children ………………… watching too much television is to keep them busy with other interesting activities.

easiest --- from 


Some children are always fighting after ………………… a war film …………… TV.

watching --- on


All we know ……………………. King Solomon comes ………………. the Bible.

about --- from


…………….. we discover its causes, we ……………….. (never solve) the problem of poverty.

Unless --- will never solve


If scientists …………………………. (study) more about the characteristics of animal behaviour in the future, they …………………. (understand) more about human personality.

study --- will understand


If Alicia ……………………….. (not go) to the North Pole, Amelia …………………… (be) the first teenager on an expedition of this kind.

hadn't gone --- would have been


……………….. I had to go away, I …………………… leave my dog to look after the house.

If --- would


I wouldn’t mind (climb) …………………… if I  …………………. some training first.

climbing --- had


Mrs Smith, ……………….. had to go away, ………………… (tell) to be careful.

who --- was told


James Joyce, .……… works are still universally unknown , …………(not choose) for the Nobel Prize during his lifetime.

whose --- wasn't chosen


Those ……… are interested in deforestation do not think of the serious consequences ………………. can derive from it.

who --- which / that


Two animals ……………… show intense emotions are whales and dolphins. Their emotional lives …………………… (explore) for many years.

which / that --- have been explored


Winston Churchill’s mother, ………….. wrist was tattooed with a serpent, tried to cover …………………. with a bracelet when in public.

whose --- it


In the past, tattoos …………….. (link) to criminals, but today tattoos …………………….. (wear) proudly by celebrities.

were linked --- are worn


Bermuda consists of a group of 120 islands but only about twenty …………………… (inhabit). The largest one ………………….. (call) Great Bermuda.

are inhabited --- is called


In China the dragon ……………………. (see) as a wise and lucky animal while Greek people were afraid of it ……………… of its evil and terrifying reputation.

is seen --- because


The action of King Solomon’s Mines takes place in Africa. The novel ……………….. (write) by H.R Haggard, ……………………… adventure books were set in exotic locations.

was written --- whose


The relative sizes of our fingers …………………. (fix) for life within three months of conception, and the relationship seems ……………………. (govern) by hormones.

are fixed --- to be governed


 “My experiments will prove the existence of the emotional lives of animals”, said Darwin.

Darwin said .......................................

that his experiments would prove the existence of the emotional lives of animals.


Marco Polo said, “I have only told half of what I saw!”

Marco Polo said ....................................

that he had only told half of what he had seen.


Yesterday the salesman said to me: “Don’t pay now”.

Yesterday the salesman .....................

told me not to pay then/at that moment.


“For many firms and many workers homeworking will be a way to reduce costs”. 

The minister remarked that ...............

for many firms and many workers homerworking would be a way to reduce costs.


“What will you do when you finish your homework?”, he asked the girl

He asked the girl ...............

what she would do when she finished her homework.