Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers
Semicolons, Colons, and Commas
Phrases and Clauses
Sub/Verb/Pronoun Agreement
ACT Questions

Question: Rewrite the sentence using active voice: "The decision to cancel the event was made by the committee."

Answer: "The committee made the decision to cancel the event."


Question: Insert hyphens where necessary in the following sentence: “She is a full time student.”

Answer: “She is a full-time student.”


Question: Identify the phrase or clause fragment in the following sentence: “After the rain stopped, we went for a walk in the park.”

Answer: “After the rain stopped” is a dependent clause fragment.


Question: Select the correct verb form: "The sound of thunder ________ in the distance."

Answer:  "was"


Four young lions of Limpopo National Park, Mazombique died where they ate their final meal. They were found lying on sandy ground near the remains of a poisoned calf. No one witnessed the silent slaughter; only the gruesome aftermath. The faces and paws of all four cats had been hacked off.


B slaughter:

C slaughter 

D slaughter-

Answer: D slaughter-


Question: Rewrite the sentence by placing the modifier in a different position to create a more suspenseful atmosphere: "Swiftly, the detective pursued the elusive criminal through the dimly lit alley."

Answer: Through the dimly lit alley, the detective swiftly pursued the elusive criminal. 

(Answer can vary depending just double check its correct) 


Question: Rewrite the following sentence to correct the apostrophe error: “The cats toy’s are scattered all over the floor.”

Answer: “The cats’ toys are scattered all over the floor.”


Question: Identify the phrase or clause fragment in the sentence: “She hid behind the old oak tree, where the treasure was buried.”

 Answer: The phrase or clause fragment is “where the treasure was buried.”


Question: Identify the correct pronoun to complete the sentence: "Neither of the girls remembered ________ umbrellas when they left."

Answer:  "their" 


"When I was a child I loved to visit my uncles bakery and spend hours with him in the kitchen."


B When I was a child- I loved 

C When I was a child; I loved

D When I was a child, I loved

Answer: D When I was a child, I loved


Question: Identify the misplaced modifier in the sentence: "Stumbling over the roots, the hikers spotted a family of deer in the forest."

Answer: The misplaced modifier: "Stumbling over the roots."


Question: Rewrite the following sentences using a semicolon: “She loves to read books. She spends hours in the library.”

Answer: “She loves to read books; she spends hours in the library.”


Question: Rewrite the sentence to correct the fragment: “Although tired and hungry.“

Answer: “Although I was tired and hungry.”


Question: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?
a) "The team of players was practicing hard."
b) "The team of players were practicing hard."

Answer: A) "The team of players was practicing hard."


"Parsons decided that most of the subway tunnel would be constructed using an innovation engineering method known as "cut and cover." First, workers used picks and shovels to remove roads and dig a deep trench. After installing wooden braces to hold back the earth, workers built a concrete floor. Tunnel walls were created: with layers of brick, ceramic blocks, tar-soaked felt for waterproofing, and concrete. The roof was made from arch-shaped wooden molds also covered with concrete."


B created, with

C created with 

D created with:

Answer: C- created with


Question: Rewrite the sentence to correct the DANGLING MODIFIER: 

Tired, beds were welcomed.

Answer: "Beds were welcomed since we were tired."


Question: Use a colon to introduce a list in the following sentence: “She bought the following items at the store milk, eggs, bread, and cheese.”

Answer: “She bought the following items at the store: milk, eggs, bread, and cheese.”


Question: Rewrite the sentence to correct the fragment: “After finishing her homework.“

Answer: “After finishing her homework, she went to bed.”


Question: Select the correct pronoun to complete the sentence: "Each of the team members brought _____ own equipment to the game."

 Answer: "his or her" (Each of the team members brought his or her own equipment to the game)?


"The bakery kitchen filled with the intoxicating of melting chocolate, warm vanilla, spicy cinnamon, and bright lemon."

Which of the following alternatives to the underlined  portion would NOT be acceptable?

F with the intoxicating scents: melting chocolate 

G with the intoxicating scents of: melting chocolate

H with many intoxicating scents, including melted chocolate 

K with intoxicating scents like melting chocolate

Answer: G with the intoxicating scents of: melting chocolate


Question: How would you revise the modifier in this sentence? 

Weighing more than 15,000 tons each, workers used massive tunnel boring machines to dig the tunnel. 

What is, "Workers used massive tunnel-boring machines weighing more than 15,000 tones each to dig the tunnel."


Question: Rewrite the sentence to correct the hyphenation error: “The small business owners association held a meeting.”

Answer: “The small-business owners’ association held a meeting.”


Question: Rewrite the sentence to correct the fragment: “Running through the field of wildflowers.”

Answer: “She enjoyed running through the field of wildflowers.”


 Choose the appropriate verb form to complete the sentence: "The committee _____ to the decision after hours of deliberation."

Answer: What is "came" (The committee came to the decision after hours of deliberation)?


At 2 p.m., on October 27, 1904; thousands of New York City residents poured into the streets of Manhattan.


G 2 p.m on October 27, 1904, thousands

H 2 p.m., on October 27, 1904; thousands,

J 2 p.m. on October 27, 1904, thousands,

Answer: G-  2 p.m on October 27, 1904, thousands