Make a plural for: boy candy branch baby kiss toy ax volcano trap city
What is boys branches kisses axes traps candies babies toys volcanoes cities
Chocolate milk tastes ___ than the white milk today.
What is better
It's-its "Thank you!" I said to may father. "____the coolest bike I've ever seen!" I got ready for my first ride.__seat was a little high and needed to be adjusted, and __tires needed a little air.
What is it's its- its
your-you're- their- there-they're Do you think __going camping this weekend? __ going to put __ books in __ school bags.
What is you're they're - their
Abreviations: doctor, junior, mister, mis, street, road, south, highway, apartment, avenue,
What is Dr.- Jr.- Mr.- Ms.- St.- Rd.- S.- Hwy. - Apt.- Ave.
Fix: friday, august, monday, christmas, 4th of july, thanksgiving, good friday,honolulu
What is Friday, August,Monday, Christmas, 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Good Friday, Honolulu
On Crazy Hair day, Jon's hair was __than David's.
What is crazier
there-they're-their If a dog belongs to Kim and Tim__we say it is __dog. You tried too much to earn __ trust, and __was a big effort.
What is their-there
your-you're When __Mom and my Mom get together they talk! Carmen, __ driving me crazy with __music.
What is your you're-your
Commas - capitalization I bike up handford street to the store. I bought a package of napkins three oranges bread soap cookies and milk.
What is Handford Street napkins, three oranges, bread, soap, cookies, and milk.
Fix: boys scouts of america apple computer make a wish foundation pacific ocean denver broncos amazon river the red cross league of women voters nike tennis shoes
What is Boys Scouts of America Apple computer Make a Wish Foundation Pacific Ocean Denver Broncos Amazon River The Red Cross League of Women Voters Nike tennis shoes
Our family is __than the neighbors across the street. (generous)
What is more generous
there-their-they're The teacher asked students to bring ___crayons to class. __ writing down every suggestion on __ papers.
What is their-they're-their
There-they're-their ___is so many animals ___. I suggest you go __ and try to fix ___mess before it’s too late.
What is there-there there-they're
singular possessive the boy bike the child pencil my sister room the glass rim the lady dress Mike car my boss desk the army commander the voter name
What is the boy's bike the child's pencil my sister's room the glass's rim the lady's dress Mike's car my boss' desk the army's commander
My brother's hat was left at school ___ he told my Mom.
What is comma, so
The bouquet of tulips was __ than the vase of roses. (beautiful)
What is more beautiful
They're-there-their "Since it stormed, I think ___going to be late," he said.
What is they're
comparative-superlative One variety of bamboo plant is the growing plant known to man. (fast) Last year, the summer was the ___ on the lately years.
What is fastest hottest
Plural possessive five boys bikes two sisters rooms six puppies toys all of the men caps many voters name
What is five boys' bikes two sisters' rooms six puppies' toys all of the men's caps many voters' name
The game will take place on Saturday ___ it will be exciting
What is comma, and
Tuesday was the ___ day of the whole month. (cold)
What is coldest
They're-there-their __waiting for the bus over ___.
What is they're- there
LTo-Two-too __young friends from the country embarked on a journey __the city. when they got __the city, they found it to be __noisy and __crowded.
What is two-to to-too-too
Fix: the adventures of tom sawyer nate the great elm street dairy queen eiffel tower canton library yazoo river lincoln park white house south fork bank niagara falls
What is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Nate the Great Elm Street Lincoln Park Dairy Queen Eiffel Tower Niagara Falls Canton Library Yazoo River White House South Fork Bank