Hyphens and Dashes
This type of noun must be capitalized.
What is a proper noun?
This type of pronoun introduces questions.
What is an interrogative pronoun?
This type of adjective must be capitalized.
What is a proper adjective?
These are the helping verbs in the following sentence: I will be teaching ninth grade at some point in the near future.
What are will and be?
This type of punctuation is used if there is an abrupt break in thought.
What is a dash?
In the following sentence, happiness, religion, and love are all examples of this type of noun: Happiness, religion, and love are common core values.
What is an abstract noun?
1st person, 2nd person, and 3rd person are all categories of this type of pronoun.
What is a personal pronoun?
In the following sentence, these adjectives modify the word banana: The yellow banana tasted ripe as the famished student chewed it.
What are yellow and ripe?
At least one helping verb plus a main verb makes one of these.
What is a verb phrase?
When using a hyphen to split a word at the end of a line, a hyphen should only be placed here.
What is between syllables?
This is an example of a proper noun in the following sentence: History tells us that George Washington was British.
What is George Washington?
In the following sentence, myself is an example of this type of pronoun: I don't feel quite like myself.
What is a reflexive pronoun?
These three words are articles.
What are a, an, and the?
These are all of the forms of the verb be.
What are am, is, are, be, was, were, been, and being?
A hyphen should be added at these places in the following sentence: At twenty two she became an all star athlete.
What are twenty-two and all-star?
This word in the following sentence is a compound noun: The Canadian tourists were disappointed in the cleanliness of their hotel room.
What is hotel room?
In the following sentence who is this type of pronoun: The cyclist who won the race trained hard.
What is a relative pronoun?
This, that, these, and those are frequently used as this type of adjective.
What is a demonstrative adjective?
In the following sentence, the verb was is acting like this type of verb: The game was at 4 pm.
What is a state-of-being verb?
A dash should be placed between these two words in the following sentence for emphasis: His ex-girlfriend is a real jerk, and he was happy when she left finally.
What are left and finally?
The answer to this question is all of the nouns in the following sentence: My sister always takes my nephew to Weaver's Orchard to pick apples to make homemade apple sauce.
What are sister, nephew, Weaver's Orchard, apples, and apple sauce?
This is the only demonstrative pronoun in the following sentence: These apples are better than those apples which is why this is better than that pie.
What is this?
These are all of the adjectives in the following sentence. She paid thirty thousand dollars for this brand new car that is blue and sparkly.
What are this, thirty thousand, (brand) new, blue, and sparkly.
This is the verb or verb phrase in the following sentence. Will you be festively decorating your house for Christmas this year?
What is will be decorating?
Hyphens should be used when words begin with these prefixes. There are four.
What are all, self, ex, and great?