Reported Speech
Unreal Time/Wishes

Complete the sentence using the correct form of the verb in brackets.

"When _______ (you, make) the Christmas cake for the party tomorrow? - I don't know yet. Maybe I ______ (have) time later this evening."

"When ARE YOU GOING TO MAKE (you, make) the Christmas cake for the party tomorrow? - I don't know yet. Maybe I WILL HAVE (have) time later this evening."


Turn the following sentence into reported speech. 

Colin said: "I have just moved to New Orleans."

Colin said that he had just moved to New Orleans.


Rephrase the following sentence, using the word given. 

"The police are questioning Harry at the police station."


Harry is being grilled at the police station. 


Complete the following sentence. 

"If I _____ (have) the time, I ______ (go) shopping with you, but I'm afraid I don't."

"If I HAD (have) the time, I WOULD GO (go) shopping with you, but I'm afraid I don't."


Complete the sentence with a suitable modal verb or substitute form. 

"We couldn't find a hotel room so we _________ sleep in the car. It was awful!."

"We couldn't find a hotel room so we HAD TO sleep in the car. It was awful!."


Complete the sentence using the correct form of the verb in brackets. 

"I _______ (never, be) to Paris. How about you? - Oh, I ________ (be) there many times. The last time I ______ (go) there, I ________ (finally, see) the Mona Lisa."

"I HAVE NEVER BEEN (never, be) to Paris. How about you? - Oh, I HAVE BEEN (be) there many times. The last time I WENT (go) there, I FINALLY SAW (finally, see) the Mona Lisa."


Turn the following sentence into reported speech. 

Tony asked me: "Did you go out last night?"

Tony asked me whether I had gone out the night before/the previous night. 


Complete the following sentence, using the correct form of the verb in brackets. 

"No decision ______ (make) about any future appointment until all suitable candidates ______ (interview)."

"No decision WILL BE MADE (make) about any future appointment until all suitable candidates HAVE BEEN INTERVIEWED (interview)."


Complete the following sentence, using the correct form (+ or -) of the verbs in brackets). 

"If the founders of New Orleans _______ (hate) the King of France, they ________ (name) the city Nouvelle-Orléans in honor of him."

"If the founders of New Orleans HAD HATED (hate) the King of France, they WOULDN'T HAVE NAMED (name) the city Nouvelle-Orléans in honor of him."


Complete the sentence with a suitable modal verb or substitute form.

"You really _________ to make such a mountain out of a molehill!"

"You really OUGHT NOT to make such a mountain out of a molehill!"


Rephrase, using the word given. 

"The last time I saw Toby was in 2007." 


I haven't seen Toby since 2007. 


Turn the following sentence into reported speech. 

He said: "We'll be travelling round Europe next month."

He said that they would be travelling round Europe the following month. 


Complete the following sentence, using the correct form of the verb in brackets.

"A new source of oil _______ (just, discover) in the Arctic. It _______ (believe) to change the current oil market drastically."

"A new source of oil HAS JUST BEEN DISCOVERED (just, discover) in the Arctic. It IS BELIEVED (believe) to change the current oil market drastically."


Complete the following sentence with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 

"Unless you _____ (tell) me the truth, you _____ (can, go out) with your friends tonight."

"Unless you TELL (tell) me the truth, you WON'T BE ALLOWED TO GO OUT (can, go out) with your friends tonight."


Complete the sentence. 

"It's no use ______ (call) John because he will only tell you to stop ________ (bother) him all the time."

"It's no use CALLING (call) John because he will only tell you to stop BOTHERING (bother) him all the time."


Rephrase, using the word given and starting the way given.

"I am on the tenth page of this letter I am writing." 


So far I ..... 

So far I have written ten pages of this lette. 


Turn the following sentence into reported speech, using the word giving.

Susan said: "I really don't want to stay here tonight!"


Susan insisted on not staying (wanting to stay) there that night. 


Rephrase the following sentence, starting the way given.

"Most of the politicians thought that the meetings had been a waste of time." 

The meetings....... 

The meetings were thought to have been a waste of time. 


Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

"Don't you think it's about time you _______ (give) a pay rise? You deserve it!"

"Don't you think it's about time you WERE GIVEN (give) a pay rise? You deserve it!"

Correct the following sentence: 

"I suppose that's the house where we'll have to stay in." 

I suppose that's the house WHICH we'll have to stay in. 

I suppose that's the house WHERE we'll have to stay. 


Complete the sentence using the correct form of the verb in brackets. 

"Last weekend I ______ (listen) to my favourite podcast when I _______ (realize) that I ________ (forget) the cake in the oven."

Last weekend I WAS LISTENING to my favourite podcast when I REALIZED that I HAD FORGOTTEN the cake in the oven. 


Turn the following sentence into reported speech, using the word giving. 

Ben said: "I really did not take part in the attack!"


Ben denied having taken part in the attack. 


Rephrase the following sentence, using the words given. 

"I have just been to the hairdresser's and have got a new hair cut. What do you think?" 

(had, by)

I've just had my hair cut by the hairdresser. 


Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

"I'd rather we _______ (not, talk) about this now!"

"I'd rather we DID NOT TALK (not, talk) about this now!"


Correct the following sentence: 

"Her father was a great sportsman, just like her grandfather used to be." 

Her father was a great sportsman, just AS her grandfather used to be.