Grammar 1
Grammar 2
Grammar 3
Grammar 4
Grammar 5

You _____ (modal verb) feed the cat too much or it will become overweight.

You mustn't feed the cat too much or it will become overweight.


If I had an English friend, I ______ write to them every week.

If I had an English friend, I would write to them every week.


This time tomorrow I ………………………………………………………
…………………… (take) my driving test! I’m so nervous! (future continuous)

This time tomorrow I will be taking my driving test! I’m so nervous!


The biology exam timetabled for Tuesday has  ……………………… changed and this will now be held on Friday morning at 10.00.

The biology exam timetabled for Tuesday has been changed and this will now be held on Friday morning at 10.00.


Sorry, I can’t come round this afternoon. I …………………
…………………………………………………… (meet) Ted for a coffee. (present continuous)

Sorry, I can’t come round this afternoon. I meet / am meeting Ted for a coffee.


I know I _________ (modal verb) have another piece of cake, but I can't resist it.

I know I shouldn't (modal verb) have another piece of cake, but I can't resist it.


‘I’ve never seen a Shakespeare play,’ said Simon.

Simon said that ……………………………………………… a Shakespeare play.

Simon said that had never seen a Shakespeare play.


Someone sold me this computer and said it was a
real bargain.


      The person ……………………… this computer said it was a real bargain.

The person WHO sold me this computer said it was a real bargain.


What time ………………………………… the bank ………………………………… (open) tomorrow morning? (present simple)

What time does the bank open tomorrow morning?


He says that I ……………………… to be calm and relax more.

A ought                                        B would

C can                                     D might

A ought


Do you ______ (modal verb) get up early for your new job?

Do you have to get up early for your new job?


‘When did you learn to play golf?’ asked Karen.

Karen asked me ……………………………………………… golf.

Karen asked me when I had learned golf.


If you’d come for lunch, you ……………………… my new friend, Jess.

A would meet       B will meet            
C would have met   D will have met

C would have met


Students ……………………… be required to bring along calculators to the maths exams if they are doing the third paper as well.

Students will be required to bring along calculators to the maths exams if they are doing the third paper as well.


I pressed ‘delete’ and lost all my work!


If I hadn’t ……………………… lost all my work.

If I hadn't PRESSED 'delete', I wouldn't have lost all my work.


You ____ (modal verb) use the computer for an hour if you want to, but I'll need to go online again later.

You can use the computer for an hour if you want to, but I'll need to go online again later.


‘Don’t write anything in your books,’ said the teacher.

The teacher told us ………………………………… in our books.

The teacher told us not to write in our books.


I had passed the exam and ……………………… top marks in my year. Amazing! Perhaps the exams will be fine.

A awarded                               B have been awarded

  C was awarded                   D had been awarded

C was awarded / D had been awarded


Mark ……………………………………………………………………….…… (finish) football practice by 5.30, so we can go into town then. (future perfect)

Mark will have finished football practice by 5.30, so we can go into town then.


My brother Tim told me that Venice was one of the most beautiful places that he ……………………… visited.

A has      B is never   C having D had ever

D had ever


You will be ……………………… questions in Spanish by your form teacher.

You will be asked questions in Spanish by your form teacher.


‘Are we meeting at the station tomorrow?’ asked Jenny.

Jenny asked me ……………………………………………… .

Jenny asked me if we were meeting at the station the next/following day.


I met Rebecca when we started school together in 2006.


      I ……………………… we started school together in 2006.

I have KNOWN Rebecca since we started school together in 2006.


Timetables are ……………………… printed today and these will ……………………… given out during the last class tomorrow. Good luck everyone!

Timetables are being printed today and these will be given out during the last class tomorrow. Good luck everyone!


The dentist didn’t check my teeth last week because I forgot to go.


I didn’t ……………………… last week because I forgot to go to the dentist’s.

I didn’t HAVE my teeth checked last week because I forgot to go to the dentist’s.