This wh-question word needs to be said when you answer a question in this game...
What is what?
This is the french translation of the verb "To be".
What is ĂȘtre?
This is how to conjugate "To jump" with the pronoun "You".
What is (you) jump?
This is what goes in this sentence: "_________ a cat on the table."
What is There is?
This is the CORRECTED mistake in this sentence: "What old are you?"
What is "how"?
This wh-question word is almost always accompanied by the word "Because" in the answer.
What is why?
This is how you conjugate the verb "To be" when using the pronoun "I".
This is the letter you need to add at the end of a simple present verb in the 3rd person singular.
What is "s"?
This is the verb used in "There IS" and "There ARE".
What is the verb "to be"?
This is the CORRECTED mistake in this sentence: "Everyday, I loves to drink orange juice for breakfast".
What is "love"?
This wh-question word fits best in this sentence: "______ do you make a cake?"
What is How?
This is how you conjugate the verb "To be" in the MAJORITY of pronouns (You, We, They).
What is are?
This is how you conjugate the verb "fly" in the following sentence: "The pigeon _______ every morning above the buildings".
What is FLIES?
This is what fits best in this sentence: " _________ people who love to eat fish".
What is "There are"?
This is the CORRECTED mistake in this sentence: "If you buy a lottery ticket, there are almost no chance of you winning the jackpot." (2 possible answers)
What is "chances" OR what is "is"?
This category of questions does not contain a wh-question word inside the question.
What is a yes/no question?
This is how to conjugate the verb "To be" in this sentence in the simple present: "Mr.Mike ____ the best teacher in the Universe."
What is is?
These are the 2 situations in which we use the simple present in english.
What is a fact and a routine?
This is the main rule to know when to use "There is" or "There are"?
This is the CORRECTED mistake in this sentence: "When he plays Baskteball, John is'nt the best at dunking".
What is "isn't"?
In general, one of these 3 verbs will usually come directly AFTER a wh-question word (name 1 of the 3 verbs).
What is To be/do/have?
This is how to conjugate the verb "To be" in the CONTRACTED NEGATIVE and the SIMPLE PAST: "Sonya _________ the best athlete in the team."
This is the NAME of the rule where you need to add an "-s" to a verb in the 3rd person singular.
This is the CONTRACTED NEGATIVE form of "There is" and "There are".
This is the CORRECTED mistake in this sentence: "If you can get the answer to this question, you has a good chance of winning the game and getting a good grade on your Grammar Test on Thursday."
What is "have"?