PSAT questions
Sentence combining
Sentence errors

When I drive down the road I remember to use my blinker. 

When I drive down the roadI remember to use my blinker. 


It was a counterreaction to the need, especially keen after World War II, to “get away” from the city and all the noise, pollution, and general nastiness that went along with it.

Which word best replaces "counterreaction" 

a. Avoidance of
b. Response to
c. Intensifer of 

B. Response to


My brother drives a Tesla. I drive a Honda CRV. 

My brother drives a Tesla, but I drive a Honda CRV. 

Weather or not the whether report is accurate, I'm staying inside.

Whether or not the weather report is accurate, I'm staying inside.


I find it diappointing when students can't spell. The 

I find it disappointing when students can't spell.


The answer is clear, I must fly to the moon 

The answer is clear; I must fly to the moon. 


Of those who could get out, many did.

Which change is best? 

b. get out many did
c. get out... many did
d. get out; many did



I need to buy milk. The cake requires eggs. In order to bake, I'll need butter. 

In order to bake a cake, I'll need butter, milk, and eggs. 


It's easier to ride a scooter then to ride a bike.

It's easier to ride a scooter than to ride a bike.


Comitting a crime will result in a number of consequences for students, primarily by putting you on parole.

Committing a crime will result in a number of consequences for students, primarily by putting you on parole.  


Although it was not my intention I see I've done wrong, I apologize. 

Although it was not my intention, I see I've done wrong; I apologize. 


Suburban communities, however, were not  sufficient by themselves to support life.

Which change is best? 

b. self-sufficient
c. entirely sufficient by themselves to support life
d. sufficiently able to adequately support life. 


The weather in Texas is hot. At least it is a dry heat. I don't like humidity because it makes heat worse. 

Although the weather in Texas is hot, at least it's a dry heat because humidity is worse. 


It effects the type of classes you can take next year, if you dont take the MAP test seriously.

It affects the type of classes you can take next year if you don't take the MAP test seriously.


The rhytm of a song is necessary to creating the beat and stimulating the listener to create an exciting beat.

The rhythm of a song is necessary to creating the beat and stimulating the listener to create an exciting beat.


At last - the day has come, when I can finally undergo my secret plans to extinguish the sun, and deliver constant darkness. 

At last, the day has come when I can finally undergo my secret plans to extinguish the sun and deliver constant darkness. 


Paradoxically, suburbs were clustered around their parent cities, with the suburban inhabitants avoiding the city center. 

Which change is best? 

b. with suburban residents staying away from the city
c. with suburban citizens safely away from the city
d. with suburban inhabitants residing away from the city center. 


Vampires prefer darkness. They only come out at night. The best way to avoid vampires is to stay inside after it gets dark. 

It's best to stay inside after it gets dark because vampires prefer darkness, only coming out at night. 


Origami is a old type of craft but its tricky, if you aren't naturaly skilled.

Origami is an old type of craft but its tricky if you aren't naturally skilled.


The restaurant offers discounts to army veterens, which was good for my uncle since he's a lieutenant.  

The restaurant offers discounts to army veterans, which was good for my uncle since he's a lieutenant.  


Be careful, the steps leading to the river the lake and the cabin are all full of snakes; and they are venomous.

Be careful; the steps leading to the river, the lake, and the cabin are all full of snakes, and they are venomous.


First introduced by Senator John Sherman of Ohio, the U.S. Congress passed the Sherman Antitrust Act in 1890. 

Which change is best? 


b. In 1890, first introduced by Senator John Sherman of Ohio, the U.S. Congress passed the Sherman Antitrust Act.

c. The U.S. Congress passed the Sherman Antitrust Act, first introduced by Senator John Sherman of Ohio, in 1890.

d. The U.S. Congress, first introduced by Senator John Sherman of Ohio, passed the Sherman Antitrust Act in 1890. 



Why did you crash your car? Was it raining when you crashed? Was the crash your fault? 

Did the rain cause you to crash your car, or was it your fault? 


Theres never been a President scarier than Ulysses s. Grant. That guy looks like he eats nails, and screws for breakfast.

There's never been a president scarier than Ulysses S. Grant. That guy looks like he eats nails and screws for breakfast.


People's opinions of you are always fluctuating, so it's not necessary to acomodate them constantly. Keep your view of yourself and other's view separate.

People's opinions of you are always fluctuating, so it's not necessary to accommodate them constantly. Keep your view of yourself and other's view separate.