Commas & Independent vs. Dependent Clauses
Subject-Verb Agreement
Parts of Speech & Capitalization
Possessives & Plurals
Verb Tense Consistency

What is an independent clause?

A clause that can stand on its own as a complete sentence


What is subject-verb agreement?

When singular nouns are paired with singular verbs, and plural nouns are paired with plural verbs.


Define noun, verb, adjective, adverb, and pronoun.

noun - person, place, or thing 

verb - action or state of being

adjective - word that describes a noun 

adverb - word that describes a verb

pronoun - words like I, me, you, we, her, him, them


What is the difference between a possessive and plural and how are they formatted?

Plurals show more than one - typically made by adding an s or es 

Possessives show possession and are formed using apostrophes for example Lisa's


What is verb tense consistency?

When sentences use one verb tense consistency throughout - UNLESS the time frame changes within the sentence!


Although Muhammad loves ELA class, he pretends that he doesn't love the class so that Kyle thinks he is cool. 

Is the bolded line a DEPENDENT OR INDEPENDENT clause?



Olivia and Yaritza was in Jamaica for spring break.

Correct the subject-verb agreement error

was should be were 


Anthony prefers to type quickly, whereas Rachel prefers to work more slowly.

Name all verbs and adverbs in this sentence.

work, type, quickly, slowly

Jolin, Rita, and Ash's literary analysis essays were well written and earned high scores.

Correct the error in the bolded section of the text. 

Jolin's, Rita's, and Ash's