Identify the nouns:
Snoopy is the best dog.
What are Snoopy and dog?
Identify the common noun:
In the spring, I like to visit the National Arboretum.
What is spring?
What is concrete (person)?
Identify the subject noun in the following sentence:
During the storm, branches fell into the yard.
What is branches?
What is cats?
Identify the nouns:
My trip was last week.
What are trip and week?
Identify the proper noun:
All the girls in my class voted for Susan as class president.
What is Susan?
What is concrete (thing)?
The noun job of "chef" in the following sentence:
My brother is a chef.
What is predicate nominative (PN)?
What is boxes?
Identify the noun:
The book isn't even finished yet.
What is book?
Identify the proper noun:
Many immigrants from other countries came to the United States.
What is United States?
Identify the direct object and indirect object in the following sentence:
Bob threw Lisa the ball.
What is ball (DO) and Lisa (IO)?
What is children?
Identify the nouns:
Miss Skaff is the coolest teacher at East Wake Academy.
What are Miss Skaff, teacher, and East Wake Academy?
Identify the common nouns:
Today I will see my counselor and register for classes at Wake Tech.
What are counselor and classes?
What is abstract?
The noun job of "Gracie" in the following sentence:
My cousin Gracie is a nurse.
What is appositive (AP)?
What is cities?
Identify the nouns:
The Galapagos Islands are surrounded by the ocean.
What are The Galapagos Islands and ocean?
Identify the words in this sentence that are proper nouns and need to be capitalized:
We visited the lincoln memorial today.
What is Lincoln Memorial?
What is abstract?
Identify the nouns and say their jobs in the following sentence:
Your dinner is on the table, Jack.
What are dinner (SN), table (OP), and Jack (AP)?
What is potatoes?