Fix the Sentence
Contractions and Conjunctions
Lucky Dip
Extra Punctuation
On a whiteboard, write this sentence correctly.

i am ate years old

I am eight years old.

( full stop, capital I and eight)


To show possession, where should you put an apostrophe on the name Muhammad?

1. Muhammads' 

2. Muhammad's

3. Muhammads

4. Muhammads's

2. Muhammad's


Which time conjunction fits here?

You can only play chess____ you finish your work.

if, because, so, after, before.


List 4 other words you can use instead of said

any 4 appropriate

screamed, yelled, asked, shouted, cried etc.


Add in the commas in this sentence:

My sister got chips a twix a kitkat a lollipop pepsi and a kinder bueno from the bakala for me and her to share with our other sisters Khadeeja Sophie and Naomi.

My sister got chips, a twix, a kitkat, a lollipop, pepsi, and a kinder bueno from the bakala for me and her to share with our other sisters Khadeeja, Sophie and Naomi.


On a whiteboard, fix this sentence:

my sister is old than me and shes called jana

My sister is older than me and she's called Jana.

(capital My, older, she's, Jana, full stop)


Write this sentence on a board, adding in inverted commas and the correct punctuation. 

Can we go to the water park please   asked Anna.

"Can we go to the water park please?" asked Anna.


How would you say they are as a contraction, and what are the other 2 homophones for that word, and how are they spelled?





list all three homophones for "2", spelling them correctly and stating what they mean.

to - to go to a place

two - number 2

too - as well, or too much


When should we use capital letters? Give 5 examples.

Proper nouns, I, places, start of sentences etc.


Correct this sentence on a whiteboard:

tarek likes to play chess after he finishes his snack  This is becose hes tryin to became a chess champion.

Tarek likes to play chess after he finishes his snack. This is because he's trying to become a chess champion.

(capital Tarek, full stop after snack, because, he's, trying, become)


Add full stops to this paragraph.

It was a dark and lonely night  I could hear the wind rushing past my ears  it was very cold and all I wanted to do was sleep  my dad was snoring loudly in the next tent  this winter camping trip was a disaster!

It was a dark and lonely night.  I could hear the wind rushing past my ears.  It was very cold and all I wanted to do was sleep.  My dad was snoring loudly in the next tent.  This winter camping trip was a disaster!


What is the ideal conjunction for this sentence?

I will let you go to break time _____ you tidy the classroom now.

When, if, because, so



Make these words the opposites using prefixes.







Fix the punctuation in the sentence.

When are we going to the zoo. I love the zoo? It is so fun. I want to see the lions tigers bears monkeys and snakes.

When are we going to the zoo? I love the zoo. It is so fun. I want to see the lions, tigers, bears, monkeys and snakes.


On a whiteboard, correct the mistakes.

I going am to Avenues weekend this because I want to get a mum my gift.

I am going to Avenues this weekend because I want to get my mum a gift.


Give 7 words you would need to capitalise.

Any suitable proper noun, I, words at the start of a sentence.

On a whiteboard, write this sentence but with 3 conjunctions:

She is sure her friends are having fun because they are laughing and smiling, but I am sure they miss her.

She's sure her friends are having fun because they're laughing and smiling, but I'm sure they miss her.


Give 5 words you would use the article "a" for, and 3 words you would use the article "an" for.

any appropriate - must state a or an.


What are the four types of sentences and what should/could they end with?

question - ?

exclamation - !

statement - .

command - . !


On a whiteboard, rewrite this sentence correctly:

my mum went to the shop  She spent 10kd on snaks for my brother and i. i am going to eat the Doritos because their my favourite

My mum went to the shop.  She spent 10kd on snacks for my brother and I. I am going to eat the Doritos because they're my favourite.

(Capital My, full stop after shop, snacks, I, I, they're, full stop.)


On a whiteboard, add in the punctuation to this text.

"help   screamed Jessica. "its a spider!" jessica was terrified of spiders. she also hated snakes rats cockroaches and ants too. 

"help!" screamed Jessica. "It's a spider!" Jessica was terrified of spiders. she also hated snakes rats cockroaches and ants too. 

(!" after help; It's; Jessica; snakes, rats, cockroaches)


Which time conjunction and contraction is correct for this sentence?

1. Sarah likes to play outside when it is sunny and she's happier then.

2. Sarah likes to play outside because it is sunny and she's happier then.

3. Sarah likes to play outside when it is sunny and shes' happier then.

4. Sarah likes to play outside because it is sunny and shes' happier then.

1. Sarah likes to play outside when it is sunny and she's happier then.


List 5 adjectives, 5 nouns, 5 verbs and 5 adverbs.

Any appropriate.

Must give 20 words.


Add in the inverted commas and punctuation to this sentence.

Can we go swimming I asked.

Mum said no, we need to go to the supermarket instead.

But I want to go swimming, I cried. Please can we?

"Can we go swimming?" I asked.

Mum said "no, we need to go to the supermarket instead."

"But I want to go swimming," I cried. "Please can we?"