A film who can make people feel sad
... to escape the reality and us problem
I have asked two people her opinion
This movie deserves an award for shows at people that there are real problems.
to show people
être aux anges
to be over the moon
The director uses lights dull and artificial.
Place de l'adjectif
The arguments was very completes
- pluriel + no s to complete
it is more easy to convey messages
They don't just are lazy people
They are not just lazy people
J'ai une faim de loup!
I could eat a horse!
There had a little fight
There was a little fight
The society can disgusts the children
- can + base verbale
... to talk more about the film himself...
film = itself
It is a film who reflect our society with her qualities and defaults.
a film which reflects our society with its qualities
L'habit ne fait pas le moine
Don't judge a book by its cover
A director who don't want that I Daniel Blake receive the Palme d'or
- who doesn't D Blake to win
Everybody are not agree
Everybody does not agree
His situation is getting worst and worst.
worse and worse
It will made people do something
It will make people do something.
En faire tout un plat!
A storm in a teacup
Its is the more bad film I have never seen
It is the worst film I have ever seen
The society want that Daniel Blake prove that he is looking for a job.
wants DB to prove he is looking for a job
Tous les 36 du mois
Once in a blue moon