Bible 1
Bible 2
Bible 3
Bible 4
Bible 5

Why did the people try to build "The Tower of Babel"?

They had become skilled in construction and decided to build a city with a tower that would reach to heaven. By doing this, they wanted to make a name for themselves and prevent the population from being scattered across the earth. (Selfish, Prideful)


Who is Abraham descended from?

From Noah's son, Shem.


What did God ask Abraham to do to prove his loyalty?

He asked him to sacrifice his son, Isaac


What other son in the Bible was actually sacrifice to save us and forgive our sins?

Jesus, God's son


What vow did Jacob make to God for giving him the land?

He would give 10% (tithe) of his earnings, the first mention of of tithe.


What did God think of the "Tower of Babel"?

He was angry.  He knew their motives and in his infinite wisdom he knew it would only lead the people away from God.  The purpose was not to glorify God and life up His name but to build a name for themselves.

In what country did Abraham live?

Haran - Today is Turkey


What did Abraham do when asked to sacrifice Isaac?

He went to the altar with wood and Isaac intending to do what God asked.


Who were Isaac & Rebekah's first two sons?

Esau, Jacob


What did Jacob have to do to earn the right to marry Rachel?

He worked 7 years, then was denied and had to work 7 more.


What did God do to the people for building the "Tower of Babel"?

He scrambled the languages so they could no longer communicate to build the tower and they scattered over the earth.  Some scholars believe this is when the continents were formed.


What did God promise (Abram) Abraham?

If he would leave his country, he was 75 years old, and move to Canaan (Now Israel, Jordan, Syria,Lebanon), and settle in Palestine. I make you a great nation and bless those that bless you, and curse those who curse you


Did Abraham sacrifice Isaac?

No, about the time he was ready to light the fire. God stopped him and their appeared a ram in the brush, that Abraham sacrificed instead. 


What did Jacob do to Esau?

Stole his birthright as firstborn.


Since Rachel could not have children, his other wife, Leah, bore him many sons? What did God do for Rachel?

He felt sorry for her and gave her a son, Joseph.  


How long after Noah's Ark and the flood was the "Tower of Babel"?  Where was it located?

700 years/2350 years from creation/Iraq


When Abraham was 91 years old , God made a covenant with him that he would  be the father of many nations? Abraham asked how without any children? What did God do?

3 angels appeared to Abraham and Sarah (90 yrs old) and God blessed them with a Son, Isaac.


By going to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, what was He showing God.

Total obedience and faithfulness


What dream did Jacob have?

Jacob's ladder - he saw a ladder to heaven with angels going up and down it. 


When Rachel's father, Laban, turned against them 20 years later, what did God tell Joseph to do?

He sent him back to his home in Canaan with his father, Jacob.


Lesson learned from the "Tower of Babel" story?

Was for their convenience not obedience to God.  Emphasizes the sharp contrast between man's opinion of his own achievements and God's point of view regarding human accomplishments.


Why did all this happen to Abraham?

Because he was obedient to God and obeyed His commandments and did everything God asked of him.


Who are the patriarchs (leaders) of Israel?

Abram/Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob/Israel


What did God tell Jacob from the ladder?

Told him this was his land.  The land of his mother, Rebekah, that God had given to Abraham.


Jacob had 12 sons, what did they become?

The fathers of the 12 tribes of Israel (future descendants of God's people).