Defining Violence
Conceptual Framework

What is interpersonal Violence?

What is violence that occurs between others such as family members.


The grand challenge to stop family violence recognized the overlap between child maltreatment, _____ violence, and gender based violence

What is interpersonal violence. 


What was the original title of the book before it was renamed "Building Healthy Relationships to End Violence"?

What is Stop Family Violence?


A boy that has a scar on his face and learns magic 

What is Harry Potter?


What is WHO's definition of violence?

What is  the intentional use of physical force or power, threatening or actual against one self, another person, group or community that results in harm, injury or death


Practice and policies consistent with this framework are based in theories of resilience and ____

What is empowerment.


The youth relationships project aims to

What is prevent domestic violence perpetration in future generations.


A movie where people go back in time in an excellent car.

What is Back to the Future?


What type violences occurs when individuals affiliated with a group commit violence against other individuals or other groups to achieve goals defined by their social political or economic character.

What is Collective Violence


Dignity and worth of a person, social justice, and ___ are the core social work values that influence this framework.

What is importance of human relationships

The three intervention services that are used are mediation, restorative practices and _____

What is counseling.


A fish gets lost and she wants to find her way back

What is Finding Dory?


What are the three kinds of violence that this chapter focuses on?

What is self directed, interpersonal violence, and collective violence.


Growth-fostering connections are framed with mutual empathy, ___, empowerment, and the ability to deal with difference or conflict. 

What is authentcity.


What is an example of restorative practice program?

What is peacemaking circles, support circles, family group conferencing and educational programming.


A dog gets lost and his friends have to find him.

What is the Secret Life of Pets?


What is the main challenge in tracking intimate partner violence, sexual violence, stalking and psychological abuse?

 What is there is no national reporting system that captures this information.


What is relational cultural theory?

What is the idea that healthy and optimal development across the life course if a product of the degree to which once participates in meaningful and supportive relationships with others. 


Conjoined treatment that combines gender specific and individual treatment has proven to be effective for this program. 

What is batterers program.


A koala's dream is to have a famous theatre where many people perform.

What is Sing?