What languages does Ms. Ghada speak?
English & Arabic
What school district did Ms. Gonsales graduate from?
West Contra Costa Unified
How long has Mrs. Heydari been prinicipal?
10 years
When was Grant Elementary built?
What RM. is Ms. Norma in?
How long has Ms. Del Pozo been teaching at Grant?
26 years & counting!
What is the name of our 5th grade DLI teacher?
Ms. Bessy Barrillas
What K-12 school district did Ms. Susana graduate from?
Oakland Unified School District
What does DLI stand for?
Dual Language Immersion
Who do you turn in your attendance to?
Ms. Nelda
What is Mr. Delgado's favorite food?
What grade does Areli teach?
Ms. Kovalevskij teaches TK!
What is Mr. Allums favorite food?
Soul Food
What is the name of the program that supports students with self-regulation?
Mindful Life Project
What is Ms. Charlene's Last Name?
What teacher is a Grant Alumni?
Ms. Santillan
The 49ers
What is Mr. Allums second career?
Being an educator after working in the music industry!
What program supports with integrating new arrivals?
Newcomer program
What part of Mexico is Ms. Ogla from?
What did Dr. Chimezie study in his doctoral program?
Public Health!
What school did Ms. Clementin leave to come to Grant?
Kennedy High School
What are Mrs. Heydari's favorite movies?
Hallmark movies
Who is Sonny's mom?
Ms. Khan!