Graph Paper
Drawing Algorithms
Understanding It
a list of steps to finish a task
An algorithm
Using a quadrant graph, where would you be on a graph paper grid if you followed these commands: 1. Move Down 1 Square 2. Move 1 Square Right 3. Move Down 1 Square 4. Move 1 Square Left 5. Fill in Square with Color
Draw the following Algorithm using Arrow Symbols: 1. Move 1 Square Right 2. Move Down 1 Square 3. Move 1 Square Left 4. Fill in Square with Color
See Slide
Fill in the blank: One of your group members held this job. A _____________ is a type of computer that can perform commands.
What causes a bug in a program?
A programmer makes a mistake when they program an algorithm into the computer causing it to run incorrectly.
writing commands or actions as symbols
Using a quadrant graph, where would you be on a graph paper grid if you followed these commands: 1. Move 1 Square Right 2. Move Down 2 Squares 3. Move 2 Squares Right 4. Move Down 1 Square 5. Move 1 Square Right 6. Move Down 1 Square 7. Move 2 Squares Left 8. Fill in Square with Color
Draw the following Algorithm using Arrow Symbols: 1. Move Down 1 Square 2. Move 2 Squares Right 3. Move Up 1 Square 4. Move 1 Square Left 5. Move Down 1 Square 6. Fill in Square with Color
See Slide
Fill in the blank: One of your group members held this job. A _____________ is a a person who gives commands to a computer.
What does it mean to, "run a program?"
It means to make it follow the algorithm or perform the task from beginning to end.
finding and fixing problems in code
Using a quadrant graph, where would you be on a graph paper grid if you followed these commands: 1. Move Down 2 Squares 2. Move 4 Squares Right 3. Move Up 2 Squares 4. Move 1 Square Left 5. Move Down 2 Squares 6. Move 2 Squares Right 7. Move Down 1 Square 8. Move 1 Square Right 9. Move Up 3 Squares 10. Move 2 Squares Left 11. Move Down 1 Square 12. Fill in Square with Color
Draw the following Algorithm using Arrow Symbols: 1. Move 1 Square Right 2. Move Down 3 Squares 3. Move 1 Square Right 4. Move Up 1 Square 5. Move 2 Squares Left 6. Move 1 Square Right 7. Fill in Square with Color
See Image
Fill in the blank: One of your group members did this job. A programmer sometimes has to __________________ a program that needs to be fixed.
What do programmers use to program computers?
Code, Symbols, or Algorithms
an algorithm that has been coded into something that can be run by a machine
Using a quadrant graph, where would you be on a graph paper grid if you followed these commands: 1. Move 3 Squares Right 2. Move Down 1 Squares 3. Move 1 Square Left 4. Move Down 3 Squares 5. Move 2 Squares Right 6. Move Up 2 Squares 7. Move 3 Square Left 8. Move Up 2 Squares 10. Move 1 Squares Right 11. Move Down 4 Squares 12. Move Up 1 Square 13. Move 1 Square Left 14. Move 3 Squares Right 15. Move Up 2 Squares 16. Move Left 1 Square 17. Move Right 3 Squares 18. Fill in Square with Color
Draw the following Algorithm using Arrow Symbols: 1. Move Down 2 Squares 2. Move 3 Squares Right 3. Move Up 1 Square 4. Move 2 Squares Left 5. Fill in Square with Color 6. Move Down 2 Squares 7. Move 2 Squares Right 8. Fill in Square with Color
See Slide
A programmer uses ________________ to communicate commands to a computer.
Why do programmers use codes and algorithms to write programs?
Because writing it out in words would take too long and might not be the same wording for every program.
what the Programmer will tell the computer or robot
Using a quadrant graph, where would you be on a graph paper grid if you followed these commands: 1. Move 1 Square Right 2. Move 1 Square Left 3. Move 1 Square Right 4. Move Down 3 Squares 5. Move Up 2 Squares 6. Move 1 Square Left 7. Move 2 Squares Right 8. Move Up 1 Square 10. Move 1 Square Left 11. Move Down 4 Squares 12. Move Up 1 Square 13. Move 1 Square Right 14. Move 2 Squares Left 15. Move Up 3 Squares 16. Move Right 2 Squares 17. Move Down 3 Squares 18. Move 2 Squares Left 19. Move Up 1 Square 20. Fill in Square with Color
Draw the following Algorithm using Arrow Symbols: 1. Move Down 2 Squares 2. Fill in Square with Color 3. Move 2 Squares Right 4. Move Up 1 Square 5. Move Down 1 Square 6. Move 1 Square Left 7. Fill in Square with Color 8. Move 2 Squares Right 9. Move 2 Squares Left 10. Fill in Square with Color 11. Move Up 2 Squares 12. Move 1 Square Left 13. Move Down 1 Square 14. Move 1 Square Right 15. Fill in Square with Color
See Slide
Programmers write _________________ or a list of steps so that a computer can finish a task.
Why it is difficult to transform real problems into programs?​​​​
Computers only understand certain commands in code.