Double Bar Graph
Are these graphs only vertical?
A line and double line graph connects.....?
Fantastic! A line and a double line graph connects individual data points.
Pie Chart is also called?
Smart answer! Pie Chart is also called Circle Chart.
In a Line Plot, where are the axes located?
Superb! Line Plots does not have axes.
What are the differences between a Pie Chart and a Double Line Graph?
Pie Chart is a circle, represents percentages, have segments, and represents a particular category.
The Double Line Graph have axes, double lines that shows data over time, and connects individual data points.
Do these bars shares a different stating point?
Great memory! These bars shares the same starting point.
You Got It! The line graph represent data over a specified time interval.
In a Pie Chart, each slide is also called?
Fantastic! In a Pie Chart, each slide are also called "segments."
What do we use to record data?
Proud of You! We use X or Dots to record data.
What do Double Bar Graph and Line Graph have in common?
Both must have a title, axes, data, and a t-chart.
Can you name all "axes" and where are they located?
Amazing! Y axis and X axis.
Y axis is located in the vertical line of the graph and X axis is located in the horizontal line of the graph.
What are the 4 general tips for line and double line graph?
Clever! The 4 general tips are meaningful title, data, axes and a t-chart.
What do "segments" represent?
What do the Line Plot display?
Excellent! Line Plot displays the number of occurrences a response appears in the data set.
Parabolic Curve
To represent a Bar or Double Bar Graph, what are the 4 general tips needed?
WOW! The 4 general tips are a meaningful title, data, t-chart and axes.
What does double line graph show?
In a Pie Chart what are the axes called?
Excellent! Pie Charts have no axes.
Ready for a Line Plot challenge from IXL Learning?
Is Parabolic Curves connected to math? How?
Parabolic Curves displays numbers, lines, represents various shapes, and are 2D.
When having a T-Chart with data, which side of the T-Chart is represented on Y axis?
Superb! The left side of the T-Chart is always represented on Y axis.
When having a T-Chart with data, which side of the T-Chart is represented on X axis?
Excellent! The right side of the T-Chart is represented on the X axis.
Circle Chart do not need titles
Amazing!! Yes, Circle Charts must have a title.
How many segments does a Line Plot have?
Line Plots does not have segments.
As a group, what can you observe in this Bar Graph?
Teachers will help us observe.