Safety First
Professionalism Matters
Schedules & Responsibilities
Behavior & Discipline
Misc. Afterschool Things

A student scrapes their knee outside. What's do we do first? 

Examine the injury first. Then, either provide the necessary aid or have the group sit down to ensure everyone stays safe while you focus on the injured student.


A coworker is talking about their personal relationship in front of students. What should they do instead?

 Keep personal conversations away from students and focus on watching the students instead.


What time should you clock in?

 Between 1:45-1:50. If earlier, ask first.


A student refuses to listen to you and keeps playing instead of doing homework. What’s your next step?


Give a clear reminder of the HW expectations, and if they continue, report it.


 What should you do with the iPads at the end of the day?

Put them on the chargers.


When do we use walkers?

Always! Outside & Inside


A student asks for your Instagram or TikTok. What’s the correct response?

Say no—personal social media should not be shared with students. Or any personal information should not be shared!


You’re supposed to supervise during homework time, but some kids are playing. What should you do?

Redirect them—homework time is for reading and homework. Homework time also needs to be at level 0 at most level 1.


A student calls another student a mean name. What’s your response?

Stop the behavior, remind them of your expectations, and report repeated issues.


Where do activity bins go after use?

 In the cafeteria storage room.


A student tells you they don’t feel safe because another student is bullying them. What’s your response?

Take their concern seriously and report the situation to Ms. Gabby.


 A student overhears a staff member talking about another student’s personal issues. What’s wrong here?


Confidentiality is key—staff should never share student information.


What’s the main reason schedules must be followed exactly?

They are designed for safety and structure—everyone needs to know where groups are at all times.


How should you respond and what consequence is appropriate for a student who is constantly disrupts and doesn't follow directions? 

You can write up the behavior and either shorten their activity time or have them do a silent activity. If you plan to sit a student out for the entire hour, notify Ms. Gabby and complete a write-up


When do we give out W.I.S.E Bucks and how much are each of them worth?


$1: For good manners, like sitting quietly, following directions, and cleaning up after yourself (and maybe others).

 $5: For going above and beyond, like stacking chairs before leaving or cleaning the snack table without being asked, or helping other students.

  $10: For extraordinary behavior, showing outstanding responsibility, and going way above expectations.


Two students collide while running outside. One is crying, and the other says they are fine. What should you do ?

Check on both students, write a report or notify Ms.Gabby if necessary. 


You see a counselor sitting with a group of kids outside while the other kids are playing behind them. What’s the issue?

Everything about this is a issue. You should be up circulating and mantaining supervision


You forgot to grab your walkie at the start of the day. Why is this a problem?

Walkies must always be on for quick communication and safety. Also you have 15 minutes before arriving to the kids to ensure you have you walkie.


 group of students is whispering and laughing while looking at another student. What should you do?

 Step in, make sure no one is being excluded or bullied, and address it.


You’re the last group to use the balls. What’s your responsibility?

Put them away in orange ball bag or your group may take a break from using outdoor materials.


You hear a loud argument between two kids during snack time, and one uses inappropriate language. What do you do?

Step in immediately, calm the situation down, investigate, and report the situation.


When are phones appropriate to use while on the clock?

Phones are for emergencies, also if you are reporting an issue or need to contact Ms.Gabby or Ms.Jessie


You have a duty you can't do today. What’s the right way to handle it?

Try to find another counselor to cover your duty before the scheduled time. If no one is available, inform Ms.Gabby or Ms.Jessie. 


 A student gets upset and refuses to participate in the activity. How should you respond?

Encourage them, ask if something is wrong, and offer a different way to engage.


What are five things that must be taken with you before arriving to students?

Walkies, iPads charged, keys , and backpack, and first aid