How many gifted goals do we have?
What are the 6 thinking hat colors?
white, yellow, black, red, blue, green
How many steps are in the IIM process?
Name one myth about gifted learners?
Answers may vary
What is goal 1, 2 and 3?
Complexity of Knowledge, Questioning, and Research
Logic, math, CT games, CoRT Thinking, Team Challenges....
What does IIM stand for?
Independent Investigative Method
Which thinking hat do we use when we are expressing our feelings?
What is goals 4, 5, 6 and 7?
Creative/Critical Thinking, Leadership, Goals and Products/Presentations
When you are being a creative thinker, which hat are you using?
Which thinking hats do you use when you do a PMI?
Yellow and Black
Which 2 thinking hats do you need to use during research?
White and Blue
Name 3 qualities a good leader demonstrates.
Answers will vary.
What are SMART goals?
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely
What does FFOE stand for?
Fluency, Flexibility, Elaboration and Elaboration
What does CAF stand for?
Consider All Factors
Name the 4 types of questions in order?
Robot, Detective, Judge, Inventor
Name 4 tech tips to make quality products?
Contrast, Hierarchy, Alignment, Font Style, Thick/Thin Font, Bold Lettering, Tracking
After setting a SMART goal what do you do?
Create an action plan and track your progress.
What do the letters of SCAMPER mean?
Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to Other Use, Eliminate, Reverse
Another word for critical thinking is _______ ("fancy" name) thinking.
Name all 7 steps in order.
Choose Topic, Set Goals, Research, Organize Facts, Evaluate Goals, Product, Presentation
Who should be your biggest fan?