Rock & Roll Undead
Dyin' To Be There
Hollywood Passed
In The Graveyard
Monster Mash

This band fell into the abyss of Rock & Roll in 1980 but retruned to their former glory in 1987 when they did a remake of their hit Walk This Way with Run DMC.

Who is Aerosmith


Everyone is dyin to go to this beautiful Volcanic Island and get Lei'd!

What is Hawaii


This actresses career spanned almost 70 years. She passed away 17 days before her 100th birthday.

Who is Bette White


Usually there is one of these inside a coffin. Unless they have risen from the dead!

What is a corpse


This creature of the night lives on teh blood of humans and will burn in sunlight

What is a Vampire


Rub y Tuesday & Paint It Black are hits from this Band whose careers spans a massive 61 years!

Who are The Rolling Stones


Many couples are dyin to travel to the City of Love and drink wine and see the Eifel Tower.

What is Paris


Our most recent addition to Hollywood Passed, this "friend" of ours left us in his hot tub at age 54.

Who is Matthew Perry


It is used to mark where the dead lay.

What is a tombstone


Created in a lab by a mad scientist, this monster is made of many different human cadavers and has 2 charging posts on his neck.

Who is Frankenstein


Interstate Love Song & Vasoline are just 2 songs from this band that separated in 2003 but reunited in 2008, bringing thier careers back from the dead.

Who are Stone Temple Pilots


Also known as the floating city, This beautiful city in Italy, with its winding canals, is a place many people are dyin to see!

What is Venice


He was the host of The Price Is Right.He became Hollywood Passed in August of this year.

Who is Bob Barker


This man prepares the ground to receive the dead.

What is a grave digger


In Ancient Egpyt, they wrapped & embalmed their dead, creating this very scary graveyard monster.

What is a Mummy


This band went into a "Black Hole Sun" in 1997 when lead singer Chris Cornell left the band. Upon his return in 2010, they were immediately risen from the dead!

Who is Soundgarden


Many a couple are dyin to come to this city and propose while standing near these famous falls.

What is Niagra Falls


He was the genius behind Pee Wee Herman. He joined Hollywood Passed on July 30,2023

Who is Paul Reubens


Sometimes these are written on a tombstone to share a thought for the deceased.

What is an epitaph


It has been said that this brain eating graveyard monster will cause an apocalypse. 

What are Zombies


This band used to "Shake Your Money Maker" until Brothers Chris & Rich Robinson called it quits in 2015. They brought the band back to life in 2020 becoming one of Rock & Rolls Undead!

Who are The Black Crowes


With the Sphynx and the Great Pyramid there, people have been dyin to see this city ever since the beginning of modern history. 

What is Cairo


She started her career with her infamous husband Ike , but rocketed to stardom when she went out on her own. SHe was "Simply The Best!"

Who is Tina Turner


This grand building is built to commemorate someone of status or wealth, and to house them in their death.

What is a mausoleum


A man with lyncanthropy will change into one of these creatures and howl at the full moon! 

What is a Werewolf