Math and Formulas
Section 1: Gravity and Motion
Section 2: Newton's Laws of Motion
What is the tendency of an object to resist being moved or, of the object is moving, to resist a change in speed or direction until an outside force acts upon the object?
What is inertia.
What does this equation represent: Delta v=g*t ?
What is change in velocity.
True of False: Objects fall to the ground at the same rate because the acceleration due to gravity is the same for all objects.
What is true.
This is which of Newton's Law of Motions: The acceleration of an object depends on the mass of the object and the amount of force applied.
What is Newton's Second Law of Motion.
Which scientist decided to drop two objects of different masses from the Leaning Tower of Pisa?
What is Galileo.
What is the motion of a body when only the force of gravity is acting on the body?
What is free fall.
Which of Newton's Laws is represented by the equation F=m*a?
What is Newton's Second Law.
What is the rate at which velocity changes over time?
What is acceleration.
True or false: An object in motion will stay in motion unless it is acted on by an unbalanced force.
What is true.
Name two places that have no air.
What are in space and in a vacuum.
What is the constant velocity of a falling object when the force of air resistance is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force of gravity?
What is terminal velocity.
What is the equation transformed to solve for? t=v2-v1/a
What is time.
What is the acceleration due to gravity on Earth for all objects?
What is 9.8m/s squared.
Newton's first law of motion describes the motion of object that has what net force acting on it?
What is 0 Newtons.
Which ancient Grecian philosopher thought that the rate at which an object falls depends on the object's mass, later proven wrong by Galileo?
Whois Aristotle.
What is the curved path that an object follows when thrown, launched, or otherwise projected near the surface of the Earth?
What is projectile motion.
What is the gravitational constant used in the formula for gravitational force?
What is 6.67 * 10 to the -11th power Newtons * meters squared/kilograms squared.
Name two of the three qualities that affect the amount of air resistance on an object.
What are size, shape, and speed.
Fill in the blank: Mass is a measure of ________.
What is inertia.
What is the curved U-like shape that is made by the linear equation y=x squared?
What is a parabola.
What is the force that opposes the motion of objects through the air?
What is air resistance.
What is the formula for acceleration?
What is a=vf-vi/t
What is the unbalanced force that causes objects to move in a circular path?
What is a centripetal force.
As an object's mass increases, the acceleration does what?
What is decrease.
Give an example of how Newton's Third Law applies to life today.
What is sitting on a chair, swimming (answers will vary).