I'm not going to float away.
What do I weigh?
Obey the Law
May the force be with you.
Is this Dejvu?
a force that attracts objects to each other.
What is Gravitation
This is related to the amount of matter in an object and it remains constant at different locations.
What is mass
This laws states that a body will remain rest or in motion until acted upon by an outside force
What is The Law of Inertia
These are the two forces that cause the planets' path to curve.
What is inertia and an unbalanced force
This can change the speed and/or direction of an object's motion because they are not equal in magnitude or opposite in direction.
What is an unbalanced force
This type of gravity holds us to the Earth's surface.
What is surface gravity
This is the measure of the force of gravity on an object and the force of gravity may change from planet to planet.
What is weight
This law says that any two objects in the universe have gravity and will attract each other and that attraction depends on how much mass eash object has and their distance from each other
What is The Law of Universal Gravitation
This action by a star indicates that a planet may be nearby
What is a star's "wobble"
a force that attracts objects to each other.
What is gravitation
This man proposed famous laws about gravity
Who is Isaac Newton
This is the push or pull on or by an object.
What is a force
This is the resistance of any object to a change in its state of motion or rest.
What is Inertia
This is the two types of motions that most objects in the solar system are in
What is regular and perdictable motion
This is the measure of the force of gravity on an object and the force of gravity may change from planet to planet.
What is weight
This force keeps the planets in orbit around the Sun and governs all motion in the solar system.
What is gravity
this occurs when two individual forces are equal in size and opposite in direction.
What is a balanced force
Planets move forward due this force
What is inertia
This depends on the mass and radius of the planet
What is surface gravity
this occurs when two individual forces are equal in size and opposite in direction.
What is a balanced force
This is the instrument we used to measure (gravity) the strength of gravitational force on the mass in Newtons.
What is a spring scale
This can change the speed and/or direction of an object's motion because they are not equal in magnitude or opposite in direction.
What is an unbalanced force
Planets move inward due to this type of force
What is an unbalanced force (the Sun's gravity)
This laws states that a body will remain rest or in motion until acted upon by an outside force
What is The Law of Inertia