What is stress?
The nonspecific response of the body to any demand.
How many satellites are required for a 3D picture?
4 Satellites
When does flight time for a Fixed wing UAS start and end?
Starts when UAS begins to roll forward on takeoff.
Ends on Engine cut.
With whom are RL3's able to fly with?
IO's and SO's
What are the six elements of a call for fire?
Observer ID/ Warn-O/ Target location/ Method of engagement/ Method of fire and control
What are the types of stress?
Physical, Cognitive, Emotional, Behavioral
What is the longest you can set a lost link delay and a points nav lost link?
Points NAV lost link 1 hour
True or False aircraft will not be flown into known or forecasted light icing conditions.
False, aircraft will not be flown into known or forecasted severe conditions.
The commander’s evaluation must occur within how many calendar days after the ACM signs into the unit or after the effective date of his or her flying status orders, whichever occurs last?
45 calendar days
What are the mandatory readbacks in a 9-line CAS brief?
Lines 4, 6, (8), remarks and restrictions
What are the psychosocial stressors?
Job, Illness, Family
How many actuators does the aircraft have, and how many times do they fire in a minute?
10 actuators 7 times per minute.
When may you deviate from provisions of AR 95-1?
What is During emergencies.
The LAO is divided into what four general areas?
Aircrew information reading files (AIRFs).
Airfield operations and procedures.
Airfield layout and facilities.
Local area orientation flight.
What is the danger close range of the AGM114-R2?
What are the physiological stressors?
Drugs, Exhaustion, Alcohol, Tobacco, Hypoglycemia
True or False?
You can turn the H764 off during preflight?
What are fuel requirements for VFR (day), VFR (night) and IFR?
What is VFR (day) 30 mins. at cruise, VFR (night) 45 mins. at cruise and IFR 45 min. at cruise.
Your first period starts in august, when is the start of your second period?
True or False:
You can find the 9-line MEDEVAC request in the JFIRE.
Three types of fatigue?
Acute, Chronic, Motivational Exahustion (Burnout)
How fast does the aircraft have to be for the engine to kill during ground lost link logic?
Over 2KTS, anything under 0.2 KTS engine will idle for 15 mins.
What is the minimum time a weight and balance record needs to be reviewed?
What is Every 12 months.
What are/ can UT's do/ responsible for?
Designated training of RL2 and RL1 ACMs including specialized training.
UTs may train RL3 ACMs in the simulator only.
What are three Aircraft and Surface fire integration techniques? (Methods of separation?)
Lateral, Time, Altitude seperation