Where do Grey whales have gray patches and white spots?
All over their body
In what ocean do the gray whales live?
Pacific ocean
Act out spy hopping
Swim up, stick head out of water, turn around
What are the threats to gray whales?
Collisions with ships, entanglement in fishing gear, noise pollution, pollution
What makes the spots on the whale's body?
Barnacles and whale lice
How long do gray whales live?
More than 40 years
What does it mean to breach?
the whale comes out of the water and then falls back down.
Which gray whales were hunted to extinction?
The North Atlantic population of gray whales
What do whales have instead of teeth?
Name two things grey whales eat.
tube worms plankton, mollusks, crustaceans
How fast do they usually swim?
10-11 mph
What act was passed to give the gray whales full protection in 1947?
The International Whaling Commission
How many blow holes to grey whales have?
True or false
Grey whales usually travel in large pods.
false, they are usually alone
Where do they find their food?
On the bottom of the ocean.