Math I - Problems
Math II - Concepts
Verbal I - Sentence Completion
Verbal II - Vocab

Chris entered a number in his calculator and erroneously multiplied the number by 2,073 instead of 2.073, getting an incorrect product. Which of the following is a single operation that Chris could perform on his calculator to correct the error?

Indicate all such operations.

a. Multiply the incorrect product by 0.001  

b. Divide the incorrect product by 0.001

c. Multiply the incorrect product by 1,000

d. Divide the incorrect product by 1,000

a. Multiply the incorrect product by 0.001  

d. Divide the incorrect product by 1,000


The integer on top of a fraction (a in the fraction a/b), is called:

a. unreal

b. denominator

c. numerator

d. rational

c. numerator


Many find it strange that her writing is thought to be tortuous; her recent essays, although longer than most of her earlier essays, are extremely ____. 

a. painstaking

b. tedious

c. insightful

d. sophisticated

e. clear

e. clear

Many find it strange that her writing is thought to be tortuous; her recent essays, although longer than most of her earlier essays, are extremely clear.


v. to voluntarily refrain from doing something

a. emulate

b. inchoate

c. abstain

d. pith

c. abstain


Alexander Thomas and Stella Chess described three categories of infants: easy, difficult, and slow to warm up. These are categories of

a. play

b. emotions

c. toilet training

d. temperament

e. smiles

d. temperament


n is a positive integer.

Quantity A: The remainder when n is divided by 5 Quantity B: The remainder when n + 10 is divided by 5

a. Quantity A is greater.

b. Quantity B is greater.

c. The two quantities are equal.

d. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

c. The two quantities are equal.


In the number 5,872.653, what place value is the 3 in?

a. Hundreds

b. Thousands

c. Hundredths

d. Thousandths

d. Thousandths


Most spacecraft are still at little risk of collision with space debris during their operational lifetimes, but given the numbers of new satellites launched each year,  the orbital environment in the future is likely to be less _____.

a. crowded

b. invulnerable

c. protected

d. polluted

e. benign

e. benign

Most spacecraft are still at little risk of collision with space debris during their operational lifetimes, but given the numbers of new satellites launched each year,  the orbital environment in the future is likely to be less benign.


n. a fawning, insincere admirer

a. mitigate

b. specious

c. misanthrope

d. sycophant

d. sycophant


Research on children's social behavior shows that relative to young adolescent boys, young adolescent girls exhibit more of which type of aggression?

a. hostile

b. instrumental

c. physical

d. relational 

e. displaced

d. relational


List L:  2, x, y

List M:  1, 2, 3, x, y

If the average (arithmetic mean) of the 3 numbers in list L is (10/3) , what is the average of the 5 numbers in list M? (Respond in fraction form)



With the exception of zero, any number to the power of 0 equals: 

a. 0

b. 1

c. 2

d. 3

b. 1


The unironic representation of objects from everyday life is (i) ______ serious American art of  the twentieth century: “high” artists ceded the straightforward depiction of the (ii)______ to illustrators, advertisers, and packaging designers.

(i) a. missing from

    b. valued in

    c. crucial to

(ii) d. beautiful

     e. commonplace

     f. complex

(i) a. missing from

(ii) e. commonplace

The unironic representation of objects from everyday life is missing from serious American art of  the twentieth century: “high” artists ceded the straightforward depiction of the commonplace to illustrators, advertisers, and packaging designers.


adj. health-promoting

a. transient

b. salubrious

c. vacillate

d. maladroit

b. salubrious


A child has just developed the ability to lie with the intention of deceiving another person. This new ability is probably based most directly on a change in the child's 

a. knowledge about mental representations

b. skill in making transitive inferences

c. formal operational thinking

d. social referencing

e. temperament

a. knowledge about mental representations


If (a-b)/(a+b) = 2 and b=1, what is the value of a?

a. 1

b. 0

c. -1

d. -2

e. -3

e. -3


The term for all possible inputs for an inequality is called:

a. range

b. domain

c. integers

d. variables

b. domain


Although he has long had a reputation for (i) ______, his behavior toward his coworkers has always been (ii) ____, suggesting he may not be as insolent as people generally think.

(i) a. inscrutability

    b. venality

    c. impudence

(ii) d. brazen

     e. courteous

     f. predictable 

(i) c. impudence

(ii) e. courteous

Although he has long had a reputation for (i) impudence, his behavior toward his coworkers has always been (ii) courteous, suggesting he may not be as insolent as people generally think.


v. to evade or deceive without outright lying

a. prevaricate

b. repudiate

c. satiate

d. vacillate

a. prevaricate


Which theorist revised Sigmund Freud's stages of development, replacing Freud's psychosexual stages with psychosocial stages?

a. Karen Horney

b. Erik Erikson

c. Alfred Adler

d. Viktor Frankl

e. Abraham Maslow

b. Erik Erikson


Working at their respective constant rates, machine I makes 240 copies in 8 minutes and machine II makes 240 copies in 5 minutes. At these rates, how many more copies does machine II make in 4 minutes than machine I makes in  6 minutes?

a. 10

b. 12

c. 15 

d. 20

e. 24

b. 12


How do you calculate the number of ways that a particular set of objects can be ordered (the number of permutations)?

a. mean - n!

b. number of outcomes in the event/ total possible outcomes

c. n-factorial (n!)

d. n!/ (k!(n-k)!)

c. n-factorial (n!)


There is nothing that (i) _____ scientists more than having an old problem in their field solved by someone from outside. If you doubt this (ii) _____,  just think about the (iii) _____ reaction of paleontologists  to the hypothesis of Luis Alvarez—a physicist—and  Walter Alvarez—a geologist—that the extinction of the dinosaurs was caused by the impact of a large meteor on  the surface of the planet.

(i) a. amazes 

    b. pleases 

    c. nettles

(ii) d. exposition

     e. objurgation

     f. observation

(iii) g. contemptuous

      h. indifferent

      i. insincere

(i)  c. nettles 

(ii) f.  observation

(iii) g. contemptuous

There is nothing that (i) nettles scientists more than having an old problem in their field solved by someone from outside. If you doubt this (ii) observation,  just think about the (iii) contemptuous reaction of paleontologists  to the hypothesis of Luis Alvarez—a physicist—and  Walter Alvarez—a geologist—that the extinction of the dinosaurs was caused by the impact of a large meteor on  the surface of the planet.


n. promptness and eagerness

a. confound

b. laconic

c. alacrity

d. lucid

c. alacrity


Kyle mixes his blue paint with Jamie's yellow paint. The resulting green color occurs because

a. equal stimulation of the blue receptors and the yellow receptors in the eyes produces the sensation of green

b. blue wavelengths and yellow wavelengths add together to make green wavelengths

c. the blue and the yellow absorb all the other wavelengths except green

d. paints involve additive rather than subtractive mixing

e. blue wavelengths and yellow wavelengths subtract red wavelengths equally to make green

c. the blue and the yellow absorb all the other wavelengths except green