What is D&C 13:1
Needed to see
What is Faith?
The Lord plowed the field for me
Who is David Whitmer
Aaronic Priesthood
Who is John the Baptist?
Required to fully trust the Savior
What is Faith?
Doubt not, fear not
What is D&C 6:36?
Responsibility of a witness
What is testify?
Restored Aaronic Priesthood
Who is John the Baptist?
Gathering of Israel
Who is Us/Me?
First step in Choose/Follow/Seek
What is Desire?
Worth of Souls
What is D&C 18:10-11?
I saw an Angel
Who is Martin Harris?
Restored Melchizedek Priesthood
Who is Peter, James, and John?
Immortality of Man
Who is Jesus Christ?
Second step in Choose/Seek/Follow
What is prepare?
True and Living Church
What is D&C 1:30?
Book of Mormon witnesses
Endure to the End
What is Eternal Life?
Qualification for eternal life
What is keep the commandments and endure?
Three things to better receive and act on inspiration from the Holy Ghost
What is Worthily partake of sacrament, act on promptings, ponder personal pray?
The voice is the same
What is D&C 1:37-38?
See, Hear, Touch
Who is Oliver Cowdery?
Moroni in a Barn
Who is Sister Whitmer?
Kind of Work
What is Great and Marvelous?
Most valuable reason to serve others
What is Love?