Vertebrates characterized by feathers and beaks; he class that the Great Blue Heron falls into.
What are Aves?
This woodland creature known for its distinctive bandit-like eyes are one of the top predators of the Great Blue Heron.
What are racoons?
Herons lay these when delivering their offspring. They are small and pale blue in color.
What are eggs?
Herons typically take care of their babies for 3 weeks after hatching, but they do not return to the same nest each year.
This extra long adaptation helps Herons to stand above the water and catch prey.
What are legs?
These organizations help Herons by preserving habitats and educating people on the species.
What are wildlife foundations?
Wildlife foundations work to preserve their habitats and educate about their importance by:
Moving fish species into the area for heron to feed on
Replanting local foliage to restore the environment
How Great Blue Herons live on a daily basis; without interacting with others in the species
What is solitary?
Herons are are solitary outside of nesting season.
Great Blue Herons are known to eat this green, ribbiting amphibian.
What are frogs?
Herons in the Northern Hemisphere choose this time of year to lay eggs.
What is Spring?
Herons choose March - May to mate in the Northern Hemisphere.
These flexible appendages help the Heron to grip the soft ground beneath them
What are toes?
The time of day Great Blue Heron are most active.
What is dusk?
Heron are most active just before dawn and dusk, but they feed anytime.
This similarly named and less saturated bird is closely related to the Great Blue Heron.
What is the Grey Heron?
These black birds, known to be omens of bad luck, are predators of the Great Blue Heron.
What are crows?
Herons in the Southern Hemisphere choose this time of year to lay eggs.
What is Winter?
Herons choose November - April to mate in the Southern Hemisphere.
Due to this skeletal adaptation, Herons only weigh 5 to 6 pounds.
The warm, tropical zone where Great Blue Herons live.
What is the Torrid Zone?
Herons live near or on the equator, residing in lakes, ponds, or other areas with tall trees for nesting.
This tall, long legged bird with an S-shaped neck is closely related to the Great Blue Heron.
What is the Great Egret?
Known for their affinity for cheese, the Heron likes to snack on this rodent:
What are mice?
Herons lay this many eggs each nesting season.
What is 3 to 5?
The wingspan of a great Blue Heron is an impressive ____, helping them to travel and catch prey with ease.
What is 6 feet?
This human-caused issue impacts Great Blue Heron populations greatly by reducing their habitat and limiting the amount of prey available.
What is pollution?
Polluting their marshes limits nesting area, reducing the population in an area. Pollution comes from motorboats and humans entering the area. They leave behind waste and chemicals, killing the Heron’s prey and making it hard for them to find food.
What a group of Great Blue Herons is called.
What is a Siege?
All Great Blue Herons are this type of feeder due to their strictly meat diet.
What is a carnivore?
Herons bow their heads to signal that they want to ___ with another Heron.
What is mating?
Great Blue Herons make this sound when disturbed to ward off predators.
What is a scream?
The oldest ever Great Blue Heron was __ years old.
What is 24?