UK Georgraphy

Until about 14,000 years ago, Great Britain was connected to Ireland, and as recently as 8,000 years ago it retained a land connection to the continent, with an area of mostly low marshland joining it to what are now these countries.

Which countries?

Denmark and the Netherlands


The island is physically connected with continental Europe via this tunnel, the longest undersea rail tunnel in the world, completed in 1993.

What is the name of the tunnel?

the Channel Tunnel


This main business center is located on the banks of the Lagan River. The city has one of the biggest ports of the UK. Shipbuilding was a major sector for the city in the last century and once had the biggest shipyard in the world where the RMS Titanic was built in 1912.

Name the city and the country

Belfast, Northern Ireland


The earliest known name for Great Britain is from Greek: Ἀλβίων or from either the Latin word meaning "white" (referring to the white cliffs of Dover, the first view of Britain from the continent), first mentioned in the Massaliote Periplus in the 6th century BC, and by Pytheas.

What is this name?



The Flag of Wales incorporates this symbol, now a popular Welsh symbol, along with the Tudor colours of green and white. It was used by Henry VII at the battle of Bosworth in 1485 after which it was carried in state to St. Paul's Cathedral.

What is depicted on the Flag of Wales?

the red dragon


Great Britain's Iron Age inhabitants are known as Britons; they spoke these languages.

Which languages?



The United Kingdom was part of the European Union from 1973 until this process was finalised on 31 December 2020 when the transition period (from 31 January 2020) ended with new arrangements between the EU and the UK.

What's the name of this process? 



This capital city is often referred to as the 'City of Arcades'. The city has the most indoor shopping centres in the UK. However, the city also has many historic houses and castles that are worth a visit.

Name the city and the country

Cardiff, Wales


Christianity has been the largest religion by number of adherents since the Early Middle Ages: it was introduced under the ancient Romans, developing as Celtic Christianity. According to tradition, Christianity arrived in the 1st or 2nd century. 

The most popular form is ????? (known as Episcopalism in Scotland).



These people (1779–1852), (1865–1939) are both considered the national Irish poets.

Who are they?

Thomas Moore and William Butler Yeats


In the 10th century all the English kingdoms were unified under one ruler as the kingdom of England when the last constituent kingdom, Northumbria, submitted to this king in 959.

Who was this king?



The UK has the third longest coastline in Europe with 12,430 km/ 7,723 miles - after these two countries.

What are the names of these countries?

Norway and Denmark (Greenland)


This quaint town in Southern England is also known for its castle, which is a royal residence built in the 11th century. This castle is the largest inhabited castle in the world.

Name the town



The British Empire, once the world’s largest, is a significant chapter in the United Kingdom’s history. Its origin can be traced back to the late 16th and early 17th centuries. This global dominance gave rise to this phrase, indicating its vastness as there was always daylight somewhere within its territories. This era had a profound impact on the culture, language, and traditions of numerous countries, leading to the widespread usage of English and the adoption of British customs.

Name the phrase

‘The sun never sets on the British Empire’


The British common flag incorporates the flags of three countries but does not have any representation of this country.

How is this common flag called? And what is this country which is not represented on the flag?

The British Union Flag, Wales


Wales came under Anglo-Norman control in this year, and was officially annexed to England in the 16th century.

Which year was it?



The UK has some British overseas territories, among them are Cayman Islands and British Virgin Islands in the Caribbean, Gibraltar on the Iberian Peninsula and Saint Helena in the South Atlantic Ocean.

How many overseas territories does the UK have?



The capital city of this country since 1437 is known for its castle and the Royal mile. The International Fringe Festival in the city attracts more than 250,000 visitors every year!

Name the city and the country

Edinburgh, Scotland


The United Kingdom holds a significant position in the Commonwealth, an intergovernmental organisation consisting of some member states, the majority of which were former territories of the British Empire. As the symbolic head of the Commonwealth, the current Queen or King of the United Kingdom epitomizes the unity of these diverse nations.

How many states does the Commonwealth consist of?



Haggis, Shinty and Bluebell are the symbols of which country? And what are they?

Scotland, dish, sport, flower


England and Scotland each remained legally separate countries, each with its own parliament, until 1707, when each parliament passed an Act of Union to ratify this document that had been agreed the previous year. This created a single kingdom out of two, with a single parliament, with effect from 1 May 1707.

What was that document?

the Treaty of Union


The only land border to a non-UK country is in Northern Ireland.

The border with what country?



This Shard skyscraper is the tallest building on the European continent with 310 m/ 1,015 ft. in height.

Where is it situated? Name the city and the country

London, England


United Kingdom is a country belonging to the European continent that includes four separate countries on the British isles.

What are these countries?

England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.


Which competition in English has direct connection to one of the English symbols?

British bulldog