Michigan Mammals
Some call me a whistle pig while farmers call me worse! I'm even afraid of my own shadow!
What is a groundhog or woodchuck?
Some have feathers, some have hair, some have scales. These differences put animals into a _____ by themselves.
What is a CLASS?
Between 1860-1900 enough of this tree were harvested to floor the entire landscape of Michigan with 1 inch boards.
What is the white pine?
The value of this Michigan resource was worth more than all the gold mined in the California gold rush.
What is Michigan copper?
My sense of smell sticks so skunks are a favorite evening meal.
What is the Great Horned Owl?
You should invite us to your BBQ. We are the most effective bug zappers in town.
What is a bat?
There are 900,000+ species in the animal kingdom but 3/4 of us are in this phylum.
What are arthropods?
I'm not scared but a shake a lot!
What is the quaking or trembling aspen?
I was such a prominent geologist, they named a county and a lake after me.
Who was Douglas Houghton?
I'm classified as a carnivore but eat like a herbivore 90% of the time. I guess that makes me an omnivore.
What is a black bear?
My ability to climb trees makes my close Michigan relative red in the face!
What is a grey fox?
Everyone knows the POPULAR "Kingdoms" but what about us slime molds who feed by absorbing nutrients from dead animals and plants.
What is fungi kingdom?
Fire turns me on!
What is a jack pine?
Enough iron ore has been unearthed in the U.P. that you could build 6,000 of these even though it only takes one to get to the L.P.
What is the Mackinaw Bridge?
I'm a vegetarian, like the water and DO give a Dam.
What is a beaver?
What is the star nosed mole?
There are 9 of us in our family and have a terrible reputation but the Pentagon would love duplicate our skill set.
What is a bat?
Every forest's favorite stage...when the canopy is tolerant and the low growing plants are shaded out.
What is climax?
Michigan was awarded 9,000 acres of barren wilderness in the early 1800's as a consolation for this 450 square mile area.
What is the Toledo Strip?
Despite my speed and excellent hearing, I'm still fast food for many Michigan predators.
What is a rabbit or hare?
With our legendary appetites, humans may never have survived IF we were the size of a Labrador. Good thing we only live for a year or two.
What is a shrew?
There are 4,000 species of mammals in the world so we are divided into 19 orders. Can you name two Perissodactyls which are hoofed animals with an odd numbers of toes per foot.
What is a rhino, horse, zebra, tapir, mule?
I'm the hottest stud in the Michigan forest. No one burns more BTUs.
What is the shagbark hickory?
Michigan was a center for the fur trade for more than 100 years, much of it on this island known to the local Odawa tribes as.
What is the Great Turtle?
I don't know much about angling but I sure enough love porcupine pie.
What is a fisher?