People/Places of Great Depression
Great Depression Terms
The New Deal
Multiple Choice Great Depression

He was the United States president that made radio speeches called "fireside chats".

Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt


After the stock market crash, people rushed to their banks causing this.  

 What is Banks closing down/Bank runs/bank bankruptcy?


What are the 3 R's of the New Deal?

What is Relief, Reform and Recovery


What was a basic cause of The Great Depression.

a) overproduction of consumer goods.

b) excessive profits for farmers.

c) increased wages for workers.

d) overregulation of the stock market.

a) overproduction of consumer goods.


What New Deal program fits the following definition:

Provides stock market oversight, especially after the Stock Market Crash

The Securities and Exchange Commission


He was the United States president during the early years of the great depression.

Who is Herbert Hoover?


Which term was used for the mid-west states that suffered a devastating drought during the 1930's.

What is the Dust Bowl?


Which present day institution was created during the Great Depression to provide elderly citizens income help?

What is the Social Security Act?


President FDR's policies during the Great Depression shows his belief that?

A) The government should never become involved in the economy.

B) The government should intervene in the economy.

C) The Great Depression was caused by labor union strikes.  

D) None of the Above

B) The government should intervene in the economy.


The unemployed often lived in "shanty towns." They were often referred to as.

What are Hoovervilles?


These 9 people did not support FDR so he wanted to add six more members to it

What is the Supreme Court?


October 29, 1929 is also known as this.

What is Black Tuesday?


What act was a part of the WPA, which helped young people between the ages of 16-25 who given part time jobs so they could continue their education

What is the National Youth Administration?


Which New Deal program controlled electricity? 

A) Works progress administration

B) Tennessee Valley Authority

C) Civilian Conservation Corps

D) Federal Emergency Relief Act

B) Tennessee Valley Authority


What New Deal program provided jobs to youths/young men to relieve financial burdens and help them support their families?

What is the Civilian Conservation Corps?


A lot of blame was placed on this president during the great depression.  

Who is Herbert Hoover?


This Deal was a series of programs and government aid designed at ending or lessening the effects of the great depression.  

What is the New Deal?


This term means buying stocks using borrowed money, which caused the Stock Market Crash, which led to the New Deal

Buying On Margin


It was created to provide jobs for unemployed people.  It focused on building things like post offices, bridges, schools, highways and parks.

A) Tennessee Valley Authority Act

B) Civilian Conservation Corps

C) Works Progress Administration

D) None of the above

C) Works Progress Administration


What word means making investments, hoping prices will go up and you can sell your investments for a profit?

What is the Speculation?


This state/region had an entire organization dedicated to it as part of the New Deal

What is Tennessee (Tennessee Valley Authority)


This was the piece of legislation that helped to ensure peoples money in case a bank failed

 What is the FDIC? (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) 


What was the legacy of the new deal? How did it change America?

Answers will vary?


What statement below expresses the main argument AGAINST President Franklin D. Roosevelt's plan to increase the number of justices on the Supreme Court

A) FDR's plan makes it harder for the Senate to ratify treaties

B) FDR's plan undermines the basic principal of popular sovereignty

C) FDR's plan limits the power of the states

D) FDR's plan makes the executive branch too powerful

B) FDR's plan undermines the basic principal of popular sovereignty


This major event followed the Great Depression.

What is World War II?