Great Depression 1
Great Depression 2
New Deal Programs
Great Depression 4

He was the United States president that gave "relief" to the people during the Great Depression. 

Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt


This event is often considered to be the starting point of the Great Depression.

 What is the stock market crash of 1929?


In what decade did the Great Depression mostly occur?

What are the 1930's?


The ____ _____ is where brokers and traders can buy and sell stocks.

Stock Market


These were FDR's 3 R's

Relief, Recovery, Reform


This program employed young men to plant trees, set up parks, and build bridges

What is the Civilian Conservation Corps? (CCC)


The unemployed and poor  often lived in "shanty towns." They were often referred to as.

What are Hoovervilles?


October 29, 1929 is also known by this name.

What is Black Tuesday?


Program that built dams to provide electricity to several Southern States

What is the Tennessee Valley Authority? (TVA)


He was the United States president during the early years of the Great Depression.

Who is Herbert Hoover?


Companies were under the assumption that they were making a lot of money because they were selling a lot of products. However, this wasn't true because most people got their products using ______ ______ and did not make their payments.

installment plans / buying on credit


Paid farmers to not plant crops so that prices would rise

What is the Agricultural Adjustment Act? (AAA)


The term used for the region of the American mid-west that suffered a devastating drought full of huge dirt storms during the 1930s.

What is the Dust Bowl?


As a result of the failure of their farms due to the Dust Bowl, many people moved to _____ to find farming work.

The West / California


Protected savings accounts in all federally approved banks

What is the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation? (FDIC)


This group demanded that Hoover authorize early payment of a promised military bonus.

What is the Bonus Army?


During the Great Depression, people would line up at ____________ to get food.  These were normally run by charities.

What are soup kitchens/breadlines?


Provided jobs to artists, writers, & musicians to construct schools, hospitals, & airports 

What is the Works Progress Administration?


Who was president at the time of the Stock Market Crash of 1929?

Who is Herbert Hoover?