Good vs Services
New Deal

What is the main character name in "Rudy Rides the Rails" 

What is Rudy


Define a Hoover Blankets

What is " Newspapers used as blankers"

What is the definition of Goods?

What is Objects that satisfy people's wants


Witch present passed the New Deal Act

What is Franklin D. Roosevelt


In "Rudy Rides the Rails" which state does Rudy go to find better opportunities?

What is California


Define the meaning of Railroad

What is "a permanent road having a line of rails fixed to ties and laid on a roadbed and providing a track for cars or equipment drawn by locomotives or propelled by self-contained motors"


Definition of Services.

What is Actions that satisfy people’s wants


What date and year did the New Deal Start

What is On March 9, 1933


What is the mean lesson in "Saving Strawberry Farm"

What is Saving is crucial for economic stability, particularly during severe economic downturns.


Define Neighborhood Bank

What is "A local bank that keeps all money safe in a vault."


Are eggs Goods or Services? Explain answer

What is "Good because when many families struggled to eat enough nutritious food."


Did the New Deal work or not? Explain why or why not 

Yes because the programs helped improve the lives of people suffering from the events of the depression.


In Saving Strawberry Farm list two good and two services they discussed in the book.

What is 

Goods: eggs, lemonade, meat, ice, strawberries, sugar, canned goods, and cloth.

Services: car, wagon, and house


Define what is an ACT

what is "a voluntary bodily movement or a term for a body of law/proposed law."

List the differences between Goods and Services

What is "Goods are physical things you can touch, own, and keep. Services are actions or tasks that you can't own and are used up as they are done."


What were the "Three Rs" of the New Deal?

What is Relief, Recovery, Reform


In the book The New Deal: Depression Years, 1933-40 by Anthony J. Badger (1989) what was the important information the author was trying to betry in the book? 

What is offers a comprehensive evaluation of how the depression and New Deal programs affected businessmen, industrial workers, farmers, and the unemployed.


Define Economic Recovery

What is "the phase of the business cycle when an economy begins to grow again after a recession, contraction, or depression"


Is clothing a good or service 

What is both 


Why was the New Deal so important 

What is "New Deal" was designed to foster economic recovery and reemploy Americans through active federal intervention. New federal agencies sought to regulate agricultural production, stabilize wages and prices, and establish extensive public works programs for the unemployed