What were the homeless cites called? (Hint named after Hoover)
True or False: Many banks went went out of business.
What Carity has the name Red in it?
The Red Cross
Who was F.D.R
He was a president of the United States, and created the "New Deal"
What was the Bonus Army's target Audience?
What part of the U.S was affected by the dust bowls?
The Midwest
What is Black Thursday?
The day where the stock market crashed. Marked the start of the Great Depression.
What did vounteers do to help the U.S?
They worked at soup kitchens
What things did Hoover do to stop poverty?
Signed the Emergency Releif Construction Act.
What is the word? Someone who buys or gets stock.
Who or what was affected by the dust bowl?
Farmers and Crops
What street was the crash in N.Y?
Wall Street
What were some of the New Deal's polices?
No child labor
Why did the U.S isolate them selves?
To stay out of the conflict in the world. And to stay out of any wars.
What was the main purpose of the Bonus Army?
To help the veterans suffering, the unemployed, and the homeless.
When did Hoover get unelected?
When was Black Thursday? Ex: 3/11/25
What charity fed 20,000 people on Christmas Eve?
The Salvation Army
True or False: Hoover was the cause of the depression.
False, Hoover was part of the downfall of the economy, but he did not directly cause it.
A distribution of products.
Where was the first Hoovervile?
New York
When was Black Tuesday?
October 1929
Did the Government help with the New Deal?
Yes it did.
Did individualism help the U.S?
Yes it helped and the U.S stayed out of trouble.
A time where money is low and where the economy crashes.