New Deal
Harlem Renaissance
Causes of the Great Depression

This is the amendment that PROHIBITED the production and sale of alcohol.

What is the 18th Amendment?

this was the president who implemented the new deal
What is Franklin Delano Roosevelt

This music became popular and spread across America, altering cultural boundaries along the way

What is Jazz music?


because many people felt uncertainty about making future monetary deposits, many of these were forced to close, taking with them people's life savings

What are banks?

this was a program started to help those over 65 once they retire
What is social security administration
these allowed items to be made faster by having workers only perform one task repeatedly
What is assembly lines
this was a series of programs that helped combat unemployment and get the country out of the great depression
What is the new deal
this was the most famous poet/writer to come out of the harlem renaissance era, he wrote "I too"
What is langston hughes
this is caused by companies producing more than people can buy
What is overproduction

Most historians would say that the New Deal certainly helped, but this event is more responsible for ending the Great Depression.

What is World War Two?

this was the day that the stock market crashed and people lost lots of money in investments
What is black tuesday

One of the failures of the new deal was that it didn't help these groups of people (name one)

Who are women, African Americans, Mexican Americans?


this was caused by the African Americans in the south wanting to get new factory jobs in the north

What is the great migration


A widespread sell-off of company shares caused panic leading to the events of Black Tuesday, also known as the

What is the Stock Market crash?


This was a name used to describe the 'new woman' of the 1920's; she cut her hair, wore shorter clothing, and even smoked cigarettes and drank alcohol.

What is A 'Flapper'?

the term form middle america during the dust storms of the 1920s
What is the dust bowl

The New Deal was designed to fix the American economy by providing _________, __________, and ________ to American workers and industries (hint: three R's)

What are relief, recovery, and reform?


Major themes of the works produced during the Harlem Renaissance often included hope, __________, and disappointment.

What is pride?


The absence of Government intervention in the economy was one cause that led to an extended period of Depression in America

What is Laissez Faire?


The use of __________ allowed people to buy and consume goods that they may have not been able to afford previously.  People also bought stocks on margin.  Both of these contributed to the Great Depression.

What is credit?


the ratification of this amendment effectively repealed Prohibition 

What is the 21st Amendment?


this agency was created to reform banking practices and give people confidence in keeping their deposits at the bank

What is the F.D.I.C.


Jazz music played, illegal alcohol was sold, and new cultural values spread as people gathered in these secret nightclubs which included many in Harlem itself (ex: the Cotton Club)

What are speakeasies?

this where people would have to go if they wanted food and they could not afford to buy it themselves
What are bread (soup) lines

A name used to describe the many shantytowns that developed across the nation as the Great Depression worsened.  They were named after this unpopular leader of the Executive branch.

What are Hoovervilles?