We were depressed
Hoover "sucks"
New President - old name
New Deal Programs
Effects of New Deal
How long the Great Depression lasted.
What is 1920-1941?
Hoover's belief that the gov't should not interfere in the economy of the nation
What is laissez-faire?
Belief that the gov't should invest money in the poor and that will help stimulate the rest of the economy.
What is "pump priming" theory?
This program is still around today; it insures bank accounts (up to $250,000).
What is the FDIC - Federal Depositors Insurance Corporation?
Checks and balances were almost in jeopardy when President FDR proposed this.
What is packing the Supreme Court
The person blamed for the Great Depression in the U.S.
Who is Herbert Hoover?
Belief that individuals should be tough and work through struggles and hard times themselves; it makes them a better person
What is rugged individualism?
Disease that FDR had
What is polio?
Created to help the elderly by giving them a monthly pension, it also helps the disabled and dependents.
What is Social Security?
Program that created a minimum wage and banned child labor
What is the Fair Labor Standards Act
Farmers in the Great Plains experienced extreme drought that led to this phenomenon
What is the Dust Bowl?
Three examples that show the public's disrespect of Hoover.
What are Hoovervilles, Hoover flags, Hoover blankets, Hoover heaters, and Hoover houses
The name FDR gave to his many programs that he used to try to get the country out of the Great Depression.
What is the New Deal?
This was passed to legalize unions and guarantee the right of "collective bargaining"
What is the Wagner Act?
led to the rise of government that assumes responsibility for providing for the welfare of children and the poor, elderly, sick, disabled, and unemployed...KNOWN AS
What is a welfare state?
Immediate cause of the Great Depression
What is the stock market crash on 10/10/29?
The protest marchers who were veterans came to Washington, DC to demand some compensation. They were run out of the city by federal troops and Hoover was blamed.
What is The Bonus Army?
In his first week as President, FDR made this "special occasion" to help stabilize the banking system. He closed all banks for four days and then reopened only the banks that were stable.
What is the bank holiday?
This program transformed a whole rural part of the south and made dams for electricity, built school and hospitals, and modernized parts of five states; some criticized it as socialism.
What is the TVA - Tennessee Valley Authority
In relation to the government, FDR's New Deal increased this:
What is the national debt, the size of gov't, the responsibility of gov't, the power of the Presidency, regulation of businesses, the stock market, and banks
Long term causes of the Great Depression
What is overproduction and too much credit given (too many loans and speculation in stock market)
Economic theory that Republicans like Hoover believed would help the economy. This belief likes to put money and tax incentives in the rich or top economic levels of society in hopes that it will help all of society.
What is tickle-down theory?
Radio addresses used by FDR to explain New Deal programs to struggling Americans.
What are fireside chats?
This program employed young men only; mostly, they worked on public works projects.
What is the CCC - Civilian Conservation Corps
Subsidies for farmers are now a common practice since this program began that paid farmers to NOT grow crops and kill off excess livestock.
What is the AAA - Agricultural Adjustment Act