Causes of Great Depression
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
How Much Would It Cost?
Alphabet Soup
Odds and Ends

This took place in 1929 and is considered the start of the Great Depression since many investors lost all of their money as a result. 

What is the Stock Market Crash?


What was the name of FDR's plan to help improve the economy?

What is the "New Deal"


A woman's raincoat. 

5 cents, $3.00, or $12.00

What is $3.00


Relief/recovery agency which helped stop the flooding in the Tennessee Valley. 

What is the TVA


What famous person created one of first soup kitchens in Chicago in 1931?

Who is Al Capone


Known as "the idol of conservative economic thinkers," this economist and historian challenged the idea that stock market speculation led to the great crash, instead arguing for more government intervention to combat the foolishness of Laissez-faire policies in the 1920s.

Who is Milton Friedman


This President thought that by doing nothing the economy would get better and people should be "rugged individuals" and help themselves. 

Who is Herbert Hoover?


What were the 3 "R"s of the New Deal? 

Relief, Recovery, & Reform. 


Kid's Wagon 

$1 dollar, 4 dollars, 8 dollars

What is 4 dollars


Recovery agency that paid farmers NOT to grow their crops in order to raise the price of crops. This doubled the prices of Crops before being declared unconstitutional in 1936.

What is the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)


What would you call a group of cardboard houses or shanties set up in a public park or street alley?

What is a Hooverville/shantytown


This British Historian and author of The Longman History of the United States argued that placed in context, the New Deal was a success as it preserved American democracy, the constitution, and capitalism. He viewed Hoover as never taking radical enough action to halt the collapse, and thus did very little for the American mass population.

Who is Hugh Brogan


What happened to the United States banks after the stock market crash?

Many banks ran out of money and worst forced to close. 


One of FDR's first moves was to close the banks, stabilize them and open them back up so people would trust them again. This new deal organization helped people trust the banks by providing deposit insurance.   

What is the FDIC? 


Man's fine leather jacket?

 2 dollars, 4 dollars, 7 dollars

What is 7 dollars


Reform agency provided (and still provides today) money for people after they have retired.

What is Social Security


Herbert Hoover was president from this political party

Who were the Republicans


This historian argued in 1989 that the New Deal did as much for African Americans as was possible at the time, given Roosevelt’s dependence on Southern Democrats in Congress, tradition of states rights, and indifference of the North

Who is Tony Badger


When a company makes more products (TVs, Cars, Radios, etc.) than people are willing to buy.

What is overproduction?


What form of communication did FDR use very well? 

Radio Broadcasts (Fireside Chats) 


Singer Sewing Machine. 

12 dollars, 16 dollars, 22 dollars

What is 22 dollars


Relief agency that built public airports, sewers, roads, schools, and other buildings. It spent over 10.5 Billion dollars and employed 3.8 Million men. 

What is the Works Progress Administration (WPA)


What was the name of the drought that caused many farmers in the great plains to have terrible harvests in the 1930's?

What is the dust bowl


These two historians argued in the 1970s that the New Deal period was crucial in development of Civil Rights, a “Watershed [moment] in Afro-American direct action.” Civil Rights became a political issue as a result: self-help became popular and AAs became more assertive about demanding reforms for them.

Who are August Meier and Elliott Rudwick


What is it called when you borrow money in order to buy more stock?

What is "buying on margin" 


FDR's new deal program did what to the size and scope of the government? 

EXPANSION - it gave the government much more power and involvement in the daily lives of Americans. 


How Much money would the average factory worker make in a week. 

15 dollars, 20 dollars, 25 dollars

What is 15 dollars


This agency hired men ages 18 - 26 learned forestry skills t help improve our national forest and national parks during the 1930's. 

What is the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)


Businesses made a 65 percent leap in gains during the 1920s, but workers salaries only increased by what percentage?

8 to 9 percent


In this extremely well written Latin American historian's perspective, Vargas' defeat of opponents between 1932 and 1938, and the fact that Brazil did not go into prolonged civil war, may be the result of early government action alleviating the worst of the financial crisis and the shift all over South America "to authoritarianism and modernizers who sought to solve the consumption/ investment dilemma by executive action."

Who is Alan Knight