Causes of the Depression
Economic Setbacks
Dust Bowl and Hobos
First New Deal
Second New Deal

Hoover served as the Secretary of Commerce under these two Republican presidents (Name one)

Who is Harding or Coolidge


This was the percentage of the population that was unemployed.

What is 25%


The Dust Bowl was in this region of the United States

What is the Great Plains


Some critics of Hoover's response said that we should switch to this kind of government, at the time held by the Soviet Union

What is Communism


This act gave pensions to seniors and unemployment insurance to those without work.

What is the Social Security Act


Many Americans relied on credit to buy these (Name one)

What is cars or radios


Farmers fell further behind on this, causing many farmers to lose their family farm

What is credit


Many hobos say there was a big difference between them and these people, who did not want to work given the opportunity

Who are bums


This was the name of the group that marched on DC and tried to get their extra pay early.

What is the Bonus Army


This program built highways and public buildings, and even built US 20 through Michigan City

What is the Works Progress Administration


This was when billions were lost on the stock market and over 16 million shares were sold

What is Black Tuesday


Men waited in these to get food for their families

What are breadlines


This was the nickname given to people that migrated out of the dust bowl

What are Okies?


This was the failed Hoover policy that relied on businesses willing making changes for the benefit of those involved

What is volunteerism


Roosevelt tried to do this after the Supreme Court struck down a few of his New Deal Programs. There have been calls for this a few more times throughout history.

What is pack the court


This is when multiple people withdraw their money from a financial institution, fearing the stability and viability of it

What is a run on the bank


This nickname was for newspapers that were used to keep those evicted warm at night

What are Hoover blankets


Dust storms would travel as far as this city, engulfing the Statue of Liberty in sand

What is New York City


These are the three R's that Roosevelt based the New Deal around. Name all three

What is Relief, Recovery, and Reform


This labor union, under the Congress of Industrial Organizations, organized a sit down strike in a General Motors plant that lasted for 44 days

What is the United Auto Workers


The US enacted these, which put a tax on goods coming from other countries

What are tariffs


These policies would be implemented to push immigrants back to their native countries

What is repatriation


This was the name for the settlements that hobos lived in with other hobos and their families

What are jungles?


There were two organizations put into place that helped the financial sector during the New Deal, that are still around today. Name both of them

What is the FDIC and the SEC?


This leading female figure was the eyes and ears for President Roosevelt, traveling over 60,000 miles in two years

Who is Eleanor Roosevelt