Causes of the Depression
Social Problems
New Deal
Dust Bowl

What is black tuesday?

The day the stock market crashed.


Businesses and individuals cutting back on spending can be worse overall.  List ONE reason why.

Laying off workers

Cutting workers hours

Not using the goods & services offered by businesses

Leads to a domino effect


“The country needs and, unless I mistake its temper, the country demands bold, persistent [constant] experimentation. It is common sense to take a method and try it: If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, the government must try something.”

Who said this quote?



programs to prevent the disaster from reoccurring. Reform programs involved legislation that focused on banks, labor and labor unions.

Which New Deal category does this definition describe?



Which famous photographer took photos of the experiences of Dust Bowl survivors and refugees?

Dorothea Lange


North Bank gets $10,000 in deposits, gives $9,000 in loans, and keeps $1,000 in reserves.  Will this bank survive in 1930.  Why or why not?

No, because they don't have enough money in reserves and if there is a bank run, the bank will fail.


Shantytowns for the homeless were called...



Who did Herbert Hoover believe had the responsibility to help those suffering during the Great Depression?

The community/charities and other organizations


What thee categories do New Deal programs fall under?





The Dust Bowl affected which area of the country?

The Great Plains


Place the following in chronological order...

Bank panics

Stock market crash

Bank runs

Bank Failures

Stock market crash

Bank panics

Bank runs

Bank failures


Charities created breadlines for the purpose of...

Providing food for the unemployed


What is rugged individualism?

Who beliebed in it?

The idea that people should help themselves

Herbert Hoover


Which New Deal category would the following program  fit under?

Public Works Administration (PWA): Increased employment by hiring people to build  public works like schools, roads, post offices, bridges



How did the government prevent overfarming?

By giving farmers money to take on farming practices meant to prevent overfarming (strip plowing, shelter belts, crop rotation, planting grasses)


How do bank failures lead to a smaller money supply?

When banks fail, people loose the money they deposited.  People also cannot get loans from banks to have more spending money.

List two social problems Americans faced that would lead to a need for escapism.

- unemployment

- homelessness

- lack of food

- living a lifestyle forced to make do with less


1) What is court packing?

2) Why was Roosevelt criticized for it?

1)  plan to enlarge the federal court system. FDR called for raising the number of justices on the Supreme Court from 9 to 15.

2) he was criticized for trying to expand the power of the executive branch too much.  Appointing six justices would give him a lot of power, and more safety to pass laws that would not be overturned by the Supreme Court.


List ONE success of the New Deal and ONE criticism

Successful - unemployment decreased

Unsuccessful - some criticized that it did not do enough for Americans (unemployment did not decrease back to normal); others criticized the programs for giving the federal gov too much power


List two reasons why people migrated during the Dust Bowl.

- to find work

- for health reasons (dust pneumonia)

- forced to stay inside because of dust


Define DEFLATION and explain how it contributed to the Great Depression.

DEFLATION = decline in the average price level

When businesses experienced deflation, they had to lower their costs by cutting hours of workers or laying workers off.  This led to people spending less money, and businesses making less money.


Who were the bonus army?  What happened to them?

WWI veterans who demanded their bonuses.  They camped out in Washington DC to do so.  Hoover had their encampment burned down.


1) FDR's first fireside chat addressed which problem?

2) Which law also addressed this problem?

Banking crisis

Emergency banking act


Choose two of the three programs and explain what they did...

Works Progress Administration (WPA)

Social Security Act (SSA)

Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC)

WPA - Hired artists, photographers, actors, writers, and composers to boost employment and create works for the community such as murals and plays.

SSA - Provided unemployment insurance and gave the elderly retirement benefits.

CCC - Employed young people in jobs that helped the community (Ex: planting trees, draining swamps)


How did the historical context of WWI exastribate the situation of farmers during the Dust Bowl?

During WWI, demand for American crops was up because European farmers could not farm as much.  As a result, many American farmers took out loans to expand their farming operations.  When the Dust Bowl hit, they could not pay back those loans.