This took place in 1929 and is considered the start of the Great Depression since many people lost all of their money in it.
What is the Stock Market Crash?
What was the name of his plan he created to help improve the economy
What is the "New Deal"
A woman's raincoat. 5 cents, $3.00, or $12.00
What is $3.00
This the agency which helped stop the flooding in the Tennessee Valley. ___ ____ A
What is the TVA
What Woody Guthrie folk song is written about the Great Depression
What is "This Land" or "This Land is Your Land"
This President thought that by doing nothing the economy would get better because the economy goes up then down then back up
Who is Herbert Hoover?
Who were the people who liked Franklin Delano Roosevelt
It was the poor and unemployed
Kid's Wagon $1 dollar, 4 dollars, 8 dollars
What is 4 dollars
This Agency paid farmers NOT to grow their crops in order to raise the price of crops. This doubled the prices of Crops before being declared unconstitutional in 1936. ___ ____ A
What is AAA
What would you call a group of cardboard houses set up in a public park or street alley?
What is a Hooverville
What happened to the United States banks after the stock market crash?
The banks ran out of money. (They gave out IOU's instead)
What is the name of the disease that kept FDR in a wheelchair most of the time
What is Polio
Man's fine leather jacket 2 dollars, 4 dollars, 7 dollars
What is 7 dollars
This Act in 1935 provided (and still provides today) money for people after they have retired.
What is Social Security
Name 1 way Herbert Hoover was different from FDR
What is overproduction
What is when a company makes more products (TVs, Cars, Radios, etc) than people are willing to buy.
What was the name of his radio broadcasts were he spoke to all America like they were simply his friends
What are the Fireside Chats
Singer Sewing Machine. 12 dollars, 16 dollars, 22 dollars
What is 22 dollars
This agency build public airports, sewers, roads, schools, and other buildings. It spent over 10.5 Billion dollars and employed 3.8 Million men. W ____ ____.
What is the WPA
What was the name of the drought that caused many farmers in the great plains to have terrible harvests in the 1930's?
What is the dust bowl
What is it called when you borrow money in order to buy more stock?
What is "buying on margin" or "Doubling Down" or On Margin
Who were people that disliked FDR
The rich.
How Much money would the average factory worker make in a week. 15 dollars, 20 dollars, 25 dollars
What is 15 dollars
This group of men ages 18 - 26 learned forestry skills t help improve our national forest and national parks during the 1930's. ___ ____ C.
What is the CCC
What does Woody Guthrie really think of America in his song "This Land is Your Land"?
What is the America is no longer made for everyone. OR It is changing for the worst as people are getting greedy.