Stock Market Lingo
New Deal Programs
People of the Great Depression
Buying STOCKS by only putting down a small percentage of the purchase price.
What is buying on MARGIN?
These help us know what is going to happen in the economy before it actually happens.
What are lead indicators?
Act that provided monetary relief to older American's, unemployed workers, disabled people, and poor mothers with dependents.
What is Social Security Act?
FDR's attempt to increase the number of justices on the Supreme Court. Thought this would help him get some legally questionable New Deal legislation passed.
What is the court-packing plan?
President who receives much if not all of the blame for the Great Depression. People named run down 'towns' and flags after him.
Who is Herbert Hoover?
Engaging in risky business transactions on the chance of quick and considerable profit.
What is speculation?
When the government provides resources directly to those that are in desperate need. Welfare state.
What is direct relief?
Relief program that offered work to men ages 18-25. Their work included planting trees, fighting forest fires, and building reservoirs.
What is Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
This was a "celebration" in which a major industry was required to close their doors for 4 days; happened the day after FDR took office.
What is a bank holiday?
Set example for what modern first ladies do while their husband is president. People wrote letters asking for help from.
Who is Eleanor Roosevelt
Day the market lost $10-15 billion in value. 16 million shares of stock were sold. October 29th.
What is Black Tuesday?
Tight Hiny Speedo's, Mr. Holscher's business, keeps making their speedo's even though consumer demand is shrinking considerably. This is a great example of the idea of what.
What is lag effect?
Program that paid farmers NOT to raise certain crops and livestock. Was responsible for killing over 6 million piglets.
What is Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)?
People who left the Dust Bowl region during the 1930’s, to escape the hardships, were known as this in their new home state of California.
Who are "Okies"
Governor of Louisiana during the 1920's and 1930's. Established the Share Our Wealth Society. Considered a threat to FDR's 1936 presidential election run.
Who is Huey Long?
When a stockbroker demands that an investor pay back a loan they made immediately. What this is called. Big reason for stock market crash.
What is a margin call?
Supply-side economics. When I want to give someone a pen but it has to "pass through" many mediums before it gets to that person. Argued AGAINST direct government relief.
What is "trickle-down" economics?
Relief program that sought to help homeowners make their mortgage payments by extending their terms of repayment and lowering their interest rates.
What is HomeOwner's Loan Corporation?
This was a Supreme Court case that looked at the government's right to regulate interstate and intrastate commerce. Dealt with chickens.
What is Schlecter Poultry v. United States of Sick Chicken Case?
Had a national radio program that portrayed himself as a catholic priest. Was anti-semitic, which eventually lead to a loss of support.
Who was Father Charles Coughlin?
Long period of rising stock prices. Like red a lot.
What is a bull market?
This legislation sought to protect American industry from foreign competition. Raised tariff rate to highest level in American history.
What is Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act?
This Act separated commercial banking from investment banking and created an organization that provided government insurance for deposits up to a certain amount.
What is Glass-Steagall Banking Act?
Economist who advocated (argue that) the idea of deficit spending, which should stimulate (jump start) economic recovery during economic downturns. A whole economic theory is named after him.
Who is John Maynard Keynes?
Physician who devised a plan to pay everyone over the age of 60 a $200/month pension.
What is Dr. Francis Townsend?