New Deal Programs
Great Depression
Little Bit of Everything

He was the president during the Great Depression. Many considered him to be a failure because he couldn't get America out of the depression

Who is Herbert Hoover?


This New Deal program hired men to build dams which provided hydroelectricity to rural areas that previously had no access to electricity.

What was the TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority)?


FDR's plan for helping the nation overcome the challenges of the Great Depression. 

What was the New Deal?


Places where people who couldn't afford to buy food during the Great Depression would go in order to eat

What are soup kitchens and bread lines. 


The method the average American used in order purchase stocks and shares. 

What was buying on the margin?


This author wrote about the challenges of surviving the Dust Bowl of the 1930s. 

Who was John Steinbeck. 


The New Deal program that was run by the United States Army and hired young men to work on environmental projects. 

What was the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps)


This percentage of America's workforce was unemployed.

What was 25 percent or 1/4?


The laws and acts passed during FDR's first months in office became known as..

What were the Hundred Days?


Name given to areas where homeless people lived during the Great Depression. They built shelters out of whatever materials they could find. 

What were Shantytowns and Hoovervilles?


She was considered her husband's "eyes and ears."

Who is Eleanor Roosevelt? 


The New Deal program established in 1935, that provided jobs for millions of Americans who built roads, bridges, parks, airports and employed  individuals in the filed of the arts. 

What was the WPA (Works Progress Administration)?


This major world event pulled the U.S economy out of the Great Depression.

What was World War II?


This natural disaster hurt the farming community especially in the Great Plains states. 

What was the Dust Bowl?


These two New Deal Programs were labeled as unconstitutional be the U.S. Supreme Court. 

What was the AAA and the NIRA?


He was the president elected in 1932 who promised a New Deal for America.

Who was FDR?


The New Deal Program that provides funds for the elderly and the disabled; It is still exists today.

What was Social Security?


This percentage of Americans were living at or below the poverty line.

What was 75 percent?


The weekly updates FDR would provide the American people to reassure them that progress was being made during the Depression. 

What were fireside chats?


The 3 R's of FDR's New Deal. 

What was Relief, Recovery, and Reform.


She was the first female to ever serve in a president's cabinet. She served as the Secretary of Labor.

Who was Frances Perkins.


This Act guaranteed that workers had the right to join unions and participate in collective bargaining and strikes.  

What was the Wagner Act?


The crash of this financial organization indicated the start of the Great Depression. 

What was the stock Market?


This president promised the American people that "recovery was just around the corner."

Who was Herbert Hoover?


The focus of the New Deal was to improve and advancing this element of American society.

What was America's infrastructure.