Ch. 14 (Section 1)
Ch. 14 (Section 2)
Ch. 15 (Section 1)
Ch. 15 (Section 2-3)
Glass-Steagall Act
Established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). The FDIC provided federal insurance for individual bank accounts of up to $5,000.
What is Credit? Why did this lead to problems with so many Americans?
Credit is an arrangement in which consumers agreed to buy now and pay later for purchases. People were not able to pay back the money that they borrowed because they built up such a large amount of credit. The banks failed and made things worse.
With the Dust Bowl in full force, where did many Midwestern families migrate to in order to try and regain a normal life?
California and other Pacific coast Cities
Today, this phrase is used with every President when they first take office. FDR used this term when implementing his New Deal. What is the phrase he used?
1st 100 Days
What was the main focus for FDR when he launched his "Second New Deal"?
More Relief for both Farmers and Workers
New Deal Coalition
An alignment of diverse groups dedicated to supporting the Democratic Party. Included Southern Whites, various urban groups, African Americans, and unionized industrial workers.
What percentage of people in the 1920s saw their income grow by 75% compared to only 9% for Americans as a whole?
About 300,000 transients or Hoboes started to become more relevant during the Great Depression. What is a Hobo?
Men who wandered the country, hitching rides on railroad boxcars and sleeping under bridges
Describe, in detail, the Agriculture Adjustment Act (AAA)
The AAA rose crop prices by lowering the production by farmers
Why is Eleanor Roosevelt considered the first of her kind?
She was the first 1st Lady to become involved with her husband's Presidency. She was his "eyes & ears" due to the fact that FDR was paralyzed and it was difficult for him to travel.
Deficit Spending
Spending more money than the government receives in revenue
How did speculation and margin buying cause stock prices to rise?
They caused many Americans to over-invest and people ignored the risks and bought more stocks than they could actually pay for.
What happened to schools and education during the Great Depression?
Falling tax revenues caused school boards to shorten the school year and even close the schools
Creator of the "Share Our Wealth" program, this man was a major critic to FDR and even threatened to run for the Presidency in 1936. He was assassinated in 1935. Who is he?
Senator Huey Long of Louisiana
What did the Works Progress Administration (WPA) help to do?
The WPA set out to create as many jobs as quickly as possible. Between 1935 and 1943, it spent $11 Billion to give jobs to more than 8 million workers, mostly unskilled. They built airports, constructed roads, and helped to build more than 125,000 public buildings.
Buying on Margin
Paying a small percentage of a stock's price as a down payment and borrowing the rest.
What happened to ordinary workers during the Great Depression?
Many lost their jobs and other experienced pay cuts and reduced hours
During the early years of the Great Depression, many cities did not receive any help in order to help the people living in it. Cities were in need of cash payments or food to be provided by the Government. What is this act called?
Direct Relief
What did the Federal Emergency Relief Administration program (FERA) help to do during the Great Depression?
Federal Emergency Relief Agency provided $500 million in direct relief to the neediest Americans. Half of the money was given to the states as direct grant-in-aid to furnish food and clothing to the unemployed, aged, or ill. The other half was distributed to states to support work relief programs.
Who was Frances Perkins? Why was she so important?
Frances Perkins was the first female Cabinet member and was part of the team that created the Social Security System.
National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)
Provided money to states to create jobs chiefly in the construction of schools and other community buildings
What happened on Black Tuesday? What did people try to do in order to make their money back?
On October 29th, the Stock Market crashed. People who owned stocks tried to sell them in order to make a profit but many had an issue selling them because everyone else was doing the same thing. People were left with worthless stocks and could not afford to pay back the credit loans they had taken out.
What was the biggest advantage that people living in rural areas had over the people living in the city?
People in rural areas were able to grow food for their families
What did the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) help to develop during the Depression?
The TVA focused on badly depressed Tennessee areas by renovating five existing dams and constructing 20 new ones. It created new jobs, provided flood control, hydroelectric power and other benefits.
FDR was very good at reaching out to all races and ethnic groups. What group was created because of this trait?
New Deal Coalition