When will attendance be taken
At the beginning of class
What should you do before submitting a lesson?
Make sure it is complete and you have followed all directions.
If an assignment says, "Turned In" but is not completed it will result in a zero.
How should I dress for class daily?
Shirt, pants, dress no pajamas!
How do I respond to my independent math work.?
By showing and/or explaining your work in the way the teacher wants it formatted.
It may be pdf comments, google class assignments, flipgrid videos. quizziz, kahoot...etc.
Where can I check on my grades and how?
In genesis parent portal or in Google classroom.
How many minutes of iReady should you complete daily to meet your weekly goal?
10-15 minutes
When is the work due?
By the given deadline
Is inappropriate language allowed?
No way! Not in writing..in the background...in chats..no exceptions
What is required during live class?
camera on, participate, make comments in the comment box when directed by the teacher, participate in chats.
How many grades will I have each week?
3-6 assignments
On what day do you have to log on for live classes?
Every school day, Monday-Friday.
What do you do before starting an assignment?
Read the directions and make sure I understand them.
Should you be on your phone texting during instruction?
Absolutely not! No phone use during class and no going onto other sites during class time.
What if I don't understand a part of the lesson?
use the resources provided by the teacher for review.
Meet with the teacher over the phone during daily office hours
How will I be graded?
Classroom assignments, participation in groups, Iready, tests, project, exit tickets
What happens during the first 10 minutes of class?
Complete the Do Now, attendance form, and check class stream announcements
When can I ask questions if I do not understand the lesson?
During Ms. Brown's office hours listed on the Virtual Classroom Page.
Where should you sit during class?
In a quiet spot without distractions
How do I let the teacher know I need help during class?
use chat box to let the teacher know..or raise your hand....unmute when directed by the teacher
The best way for me to find out what you know is to participate, participate, participate...
How can I make up missed work?
Check Google Classroom to see the name of the assignment and the date that it was due. Submit within 72 hours.
What happens during the last 5 minutes of class?
Respond to the lesson with an Exit Ticket.
Where are helpful resources and links for online learning?
In the Virtual Classroom
What should you do while I am teaching?
Mute my microphone, take notes, participate, and answer questions as directed.
When should I work on my assignments?
During my class time when teacher tell me to and at home before the due date
Is there any extra credit work?
No. If you complete all of your assignments, there will be no need for extra credit