Character Notes
Mix One
Mix Two
Mix Three

The writer’s way of revealing the personality of different characters. This helps bring the character to life. Just as in real life, characters have qualities and traits that make them either good or bad.

What is Characterization?


What is Pip's role, traits, motivation, and action? 

Role: Protagonist

Traits: Ambitious/sensitive

Motivation: Desire for social advancement

Action: Moves to London and pursues educations and seeks Estella's love


Describe Estella's attitude toward Pip as they start off on their journey. 

She is very demanding, quick, and cold towards Pip. She demands him to everything for her and she reminds him not to get attached to her. She continues to break his heart. 


Why is the mist important? Explain the symbolism of the rising mists in the last paragraph of chapter 34. 

The mist serves as a symbol. In this chapter, the mist represents clarity and hope.


How do Pip and Herbert become broke?

They spend all their money at a society called the 'Finches of the Grove' where they eat expensive food and drink expensive drinks. 


The individual qualities and attributes of a character. These traits can be physical, emotional, or moral.

What are character traits? 


What is Estella's role, traits, motivation, and action?

Role: Antagonist

Traits: Cold, beautiful, manipulative

Motivation: Revenge against men, molded by Miss Havisham

Action: Breaks Pip's heart and uses her charm to control men


Who dies at the end of Chapter 33? How does Pip receive the news? 

Mrs. Joe. The news comes from Trabb & Co. in the form of a letter. 


What is the conflict that Pip and Herbert run into? How do they try and fix this? 

They go into debt because they are spending too much. They try fixing this by sitting down and making a list of their expenditures. 

Expenditure: The action of spending funds 


Pip's benefactor is finally revealed! Who is it? 

Magwitch, the convict from the beginning of the story. 


The reason why a character says, thinks, or does something in the text.

What is character motivation?


What is Miss Havisham's role, traits, motivation, and action? 

Role: Catalyst (someone who promotes change or pushes the main character to change)

Traits: Vengeful, heartbroken

Motivation: Seeking revenge on men for her failed marriage

Action: Raises Estella to break men's hearts, manipulates Pip


What does it mean when Estella tells Pip "Will you never take warning?" 

She wants to know why Pip does not believe her when she says she does not live him and that if he gets attached he will get hurt. She does not understand why he is not taking all the warnings or "red flags" she is giving him. 


How do we know Pip's character is changing again? Is he becoming more mature? How does he prove to be a good friend to Herbert? 

Pip is changing as a character because he realizes that his life of "great expectations" was ruining his relationships and his own character. He is becoming more mature not only because now he is a man (21) but because his heart is growing too. He is a good friend to Herbert because she "invests" in him with the money he received for his birthday and buys him a job so Herbert can be free of debt. 


Who begins to develop a crush on Estella? 



What the character thinks, what they want or do not want, and how they feel.

What is character motive?


What is Joe's role, traits, motivation, and action?

Role: Guardian

Traits: Kind, humble, loyal

Motivation: Love for Pip, simple life aspirations

Action: Supports Pip, runs blacksmith shop, remains loyal


Why does Pip NOT understand Estella when she says, "Will you never take warning?"

Pip is blindly in love with Estella so he does not care about her warnings. He still believes he has a chance with Estella because a part of him is convinced she likes him back. Pip also notices that her attitude and behavior is off and not like her, so he assumes that the words she is speaking are coming from someone else rather than herself. 


For the last quiz, we talked about how Wemmick keeps his personal life and work life separate. What does this reveal about his character? 

This shows tat Wemmick has two different sides to him. At home, he is friendly, generous, and very relaxed, whereas in the office he is uncomfortable and only attends because he has to. 


What is the "sharpest pain of all" when Pip realizes that Miss Havisham is not his benefactor? 

He finally realizes that Estella will never be his. He is also upset that he left home and Joe for the money of a convict.


These are all examples of what?

1. Self-actualization

2. Esteem needs

3. Belongingness and love

4. Safety needs

5. Physiological needs


What is Biddy's role, traits, motivation, and action?

Role: Friend

Traits: Intelligent, patient, sympathetic

Motivation: Cares for Pip

Action: Helps Pip in his educational journey, ends up marrying Joe after Mrs. Joe's death 


At the beginning of Chapter 33, Pip begins to reflect on his "great expectations." How has he started to feel looking back on his life? 

How does Pip heal his relationship with Joe? Why is this important? 

Pip begins to realize that he has a lot of regret. He wonders if he his life would have been better if he had stayed on the path originally planned for him, which was to become a blacksmith. 

Pip heals his relationship with Joe by asking him if he can stay in his old room. It reminds him of old times and it makes him happy. Pip also tells Joe that he is going to visit more, which makes Joe extremely happy. 


Why do you think Estella draws away from Miss Havisham? What are they disagreeing about? 

Estella draws away from Miss Havisham because she is tired of living a life for Miss Havisham. She wants to be her own person and life a happier life. She expresses that she is "tired." Miss Havisham thinks Estella is ungrateful but Estella reminds her that the reason she is the way she is is because of Miss Havisham. 


Magwitch will be tried, imprisoned, and hanged if he is caught in England. What does Herbert advise Pip to do with Magwitch? 

He suggests two things

1. Rent a room for Magwitch and protect him because they still need the money to come 

2. Get Magwitch out of England for the safety of both of them. 

Pip yet again has to choose what the right thing to do this.