What is the capital of Michigan?
Jefferson City is the capital of what state?
What are the important industries in the Great Lakes Region?
Industrial manufacturing, agriculture, farming
(During the Industrial Age- mid 1800s to early 1900s - this region became one of the leading industrial areas of the world. Much of the region's economy still relies on industrial manufacturing to this day. Also, the soil is fertile and the region receives plenty of rain.)
What is the name of each Great Lake?
Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Ontario, Lake Erie
What is the name of the shipwreck that sits at the bottom of Lake Superior? (29 sailors died)
Edmund Fitzgerald
What is the capital of Wisconsin?
What is the capital of Iowa?
Des Moines
What are the industries prominent in the Upper Plains Region?
Farming, Ranching; Beef Cattle and Hog production.
(The Upper Plains is the nation's top wheat -producing region. Wheat is used to make a variety of food products, including most kinds of bread.)
What rivers and lakes are prominent in the Upper Plains Region?
Mississippi River to the east, Red River in the north, Missouri River in the central part of the region, Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri, Lake Oahe in South Dakota
What was the name of a popular car assembled by the Ford Motor Company produced from 1908-1927?
The Model T
Columbus is the capital of what state?
What is the capital of North Dakota?
What are other grain crops (besides wheat) grown in the Upper Plains Region?
Sorghum, Barley, Rye
What is the largest city in the Great Lakes Region and what is the population?
Chicago, Illinois is the largest city with a population of 2.7 million people in 2020
How many acres of land did the US government promise to anyone who was willing to move to the Plains and live on it for 5 years?
160 acres of land
Springfield is the capital of what state?
Saint Paul is the capital of what state?
What percent of total money in USA from tourism is made on The Great Lakes?
20 percent- boating is particularly popular
In the Upper Plains Region, prairie land is common. What is a prairie?
Large areas of flat land with low vegetation and few trees
From what countries did immigrants who populated the Upper Plains in the 1800's come?
Norway, Sweden, Germany, Ireland, Russia
What is the capital of Indiana?
What is the capital of Kansas
Why did Henry Ford decide to paint the Model T black?
Henry Ford instructed his workers to paint the Model T black so that it would dry faster in the sun at the end of the assembly line. He could then ship cars faster and make more money.
Name two important rivers in the Great Lakes Region.
Mississippi River, Ohio River
What country to the north owns part of the Great Lakes. (There is an imaginary line in the middle of the Great Lakes separating US territory from this country)