Roaring 20s
Up and At Em'
Big $$ Sad
Round 2, bb
There's More to War

This term refers to the Constitutional ban on alcohol in the United States, which led to a rise in organized crime.

What is Prohibition?


This period saw a flourishing of African American literary and artistic creativity centered in Harlem, New York.

What was the Harlem Renaissance?


This event and year marked the beginning of the Great Depression, leading to widespread economic hardship.

What was the Stock Market Crash of 1929?


Importance of Pearl Harbor.

What directly led to US involvement in the Second World War?


The Manhattan Project.

What was the secret program to develop the first nuclear weapons (atomic bombs)?

What Flappers represented.
What is the modernization of culture in general and women in particular in the face of traditional social norms?

Jazz Age.

What was a shift from traditional cultural norms due to African American influences on music?


The policies intended to involve the government in an end to the Great Depression.

What was the New Deal?



What was the act that allowed the United States to provide military aid to Allied nations before entering World War II?


Japanese Internment (Executive Order 9066).

What was the Executive Order to forcibly move Japanese Americans to relocation centers during the war?


The revival of this group led to a rise in anti- immigrant, anti- Jewish and anti- Catholic sentiment.

What is the Ku Klux Klan?


Reasons for the Great Migration.

What was racial violence, legalized segregation, and poor working and farming conditions, and jobs and potential safety in the North?


Differences between Hoover and Roosevelt's response to the Great Depression.

Hoover: limited government, private charity and private business.

Roosevelt: heavy government intervention and involvement


End of the war in the Pacific.

What was the Atomic Bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

This led to further federal government involvement in the daily lives of Americans.

What was the New Deal?


Scopes Monkey Trial.

What is the trial that debated whether evolution should be taught in public schools (indicating a change from traditionalism to modernism?


Marcus Garvey.

Advocated for Black Nationalism, empowerment and pride of African Americans.


These three R's characterized President Roosevelt's efforts to combat the Great Depression.

What is Relief, Recovery and Reform?


These people took over American jobs, helping lead to victory in the war.

Who were women and African Americans?


Fireside Chats.

What were the radio broadcasts by President Roosevelt were used to communicate directly with the American people during the Great Depression and World War II?


Quota Act 1924

What were the laws in the 1920s restricted the number of immigrants allowed into the United States based on nationality? (promoted by anti- immigrant sentiments)


Executive Order 9981.

What Executive order ended legal segregation in the military?


Causes of the Great Depression.

What was overproduction in farming, buying stocks on credit, bank runs, and high debt from installment payments?


End of the Great Depression.

What was an increase of American manufacturing due to the war?


Korematsu v. United States

What Supreme Court decision upheld the constitutionality of Japanese internment during World War II?