Ancient Computers
Programming Languages
Great Women of Computer Science
Alan Turing

This English mathematician and inventor is often considered the "father of the computer"

Who is Charles Babbage


This American computer scientist led the development of Fortran, the first high-level programming language.

Who is John Backus


This British computer scientist invented the World Wide Web, revolutionizing the way we access information.

Who is Tim Berners-Lee


This person is best-known for her work on FORMAC, the first widely used general language and system for manipulating nonnumeric algebraic expressions. 

Who is Jean E Sammett


Alan Turing died in this year.

What is 1954


This French mathematician and philosopher invented the Pascaline, an early mechanical calculator, in the 17th century.

Who is Blaise Pascal


This Danish software engineer created the C# programming language while working at Microsoft.

Who is Anders Hejlsberg


This British engineer and his colleague designed the first general-purpose electronic digital computer, the ENIAC.

Who is J. Presper Eckert


This person was an American mathematician and rear admiral in the U.S. Navy who was a pioneer in developing computer technology, helping to devise UNIVAC I, the first commercial electronic computer, and naval applications for COBOL.

Who is Grace Hopper


Alan Turing went to this university.

What is Princeton University


This British mathematician and logician designed a loom that used punch cards, significantly impacting the development of computing.

Who is Joseph Marie Jacquard


This Canadian computer scientist is the founder and lead designer behind the Java programming language. 

Who is James Gosling


This Canadian computer scientist is known for creating the C++ programming language.

Who is Bjarne Stroustrup


This person was one of the first computer software programmers, and created the term software engineer to describe her work. 

Who is Margaret Hamilton


This is the number of lives Alan Turing has saved.

What is 14 million


This British mathematician laid the groundwork for modern computing with her work on the Analytical Engine and is often regarded as the first computer programmer.

Who is Ada Lovelace


This Swiss computer scientist developed the Pascal programming language.

Who is Niklaus Wirth


This American scientist co-invented the TCP/IP protocols, essential for the Internet.

Who is Bob Kahn


This person was a pioneer in computer development being the first to create assembly language and, with her husband, produced the "Booth multiplier algorithm" and the first rotating storage device. 

Who is Kathleen Booth


This is the country with a law named after Alan Turing.

What is UK


This person helped establish modern symbolic logic and whose algebra of logic, now called Boolean algebra, is basic to the design of digital computer circuits. 

Who is George Boole


This person was an American mathematician and rear admiral in the U.S. Navy who was a pioneer in developing computer technology, helping to devise UNIVAC I, the first commercial electronic computer, and naval applications for COBOL.

Who is Grace Hopper


This American computer scientist is known for his work on the development of UNIX, an operating system that laid the groundwork for many modern systems.

Who is Dennis Ritchie


This person pioneered and managed first the ARPANET, and then the Defense Data Network (DDN), network information centers (NIC) under contract to the Department of Defense (DoD).

Who is Elizabeth Feinler


This is the first computer ____ program created by Alan Turing.

What is Chess