Ancient Computers
Programming Languages
Great Women of Computer Science
Alan Turing

This English Polymath, is often known as the "Father of Computers" because he is credited with inventing the first mechanical computer.

Who is Charles Babbage?


This American Computer Scientist created the C programming language.

Who is Dennis Ritchie?


This American Physicist was credited with creating the first electronic digital computer.

Who is John Atanasoff?


This woman, who shares her name with the actress of the Wicked Witch of the West, was the director of the Software Engineering Division of the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory, which developed on-board flight software for NASA's Apollo program. 

Who is Margaret Hamilton?


Alan Turing was born in this year, the same year that the Titanic sunk

What is 1912?


This Muslim polymath wrote "The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices", which describes 50 mechanical devices and how to build them.

Who is Ismail al-Jazari?


This American computer scientist, who won the Turing award in 1977 and the Nation Medal of Science in 1975, led the time that invented FORTRAN, the first widely used programming language.

Who is John Backus?


This English computer scientist, who was knighted by the Queen in 2004, is best known for being the inventor of the World Wide Web, the HTML markup language, the URL system, and HTTP.

Who is Tims Berners-Lee?


This Woman helped create 3 diffrent machines. The ARC (Automatic Relay Calculator), the SEC (Simple Electronic Computer), and the APE(X)C.

Who is Kathleen Booth?


This award, named after Alan Turing, has been given out to the biggest innovation in computer science every year since 1966.

What is the Turing award?


This French weaver played an important role in inventing the first programmable loom, which would play an important role in other programmable machines such as an early version of digital compiler used by IBM.

Who is Joseph Marie Jacquard?


This Canadian Computer Scientist is known for being the founder and lead designer behind the Java programming language.

Who is James Gosling?


During World War 2, this English Engineer designed and built the Colossus, the first programmable electronic computer.

Who is Tommy Flowers?


This woman developed the FORMAC programming language in 1962, then went on to help develop the COBOL programming language.

Who is Jean E. Sammet?


This is the machine that Alan Turing built during world war 2 to decode German messages.

What is the Bombe? (or Turing Bombe)


This German-American statistician developed an electromechanical tabulating machine to help with summarizing data by using punch cards.

Who is Herman Hollerith?


This Danish software engineer has co-designed several programming languages but currently works at Microsoft as the lead architect on C#.

Who is Anders Hejlsberg?


This American electrical designer designed the first general-purpose electronic digital computer (ENIAC), and helped design the first commercial computer, the UNIVAC.

Who is J. Presper Eckert?


This woman was the inventor of the theory of machine-independent programming languages, and used this theory to develop the FLOW-MATIC programming language and COBOL.

Who is Grace Hopper?


Alan Turing died by suicide, filling an apple with this poisoness substance.

What is cyanide?


This French Mathematician is known for pioneering work on calculating machines, which later got named after him.

Who is Blaise Pascal?


This American Computer Scientist, known as the "Father of AI", also developed the programming language family Lisp.

Who is John McCarthy?


This american engineer worked heavily on computer human interaction, and invented the thing you are holding in your hand right now; The Computer Mouse.

Who is Douglas Engelbart?


From 1972 until 1989, this woman was the director of Network Information Systems Center at the Stanford Research Institute.

Who is Elizabeth Feinler?


This prestigious award Alan Turing received posthumously in 2019, recognizing his contributions to computer science and codebreaking?

What is the Order of the British Empire? (OBE)