What did Spinoza not believe about Christ?
He did not believe in the incarnation.
What is the one of the titles "St Augustine" was given
"doctor of the church"
How did Scotus influence classical education?
Scotus did not influence classical education, as Aquinas influenced it.
What did Leibniz create?
What was Plato the first founder of?
Plato created the first academy; his academic program is considered the first university.
What was Parmenides known for?
Into the nature of existence, then credited as the father of metaphysics
What does the second eye represent according to Emanuel Kant?
“The second eye is the self-knowledge of human reason, without which we can have no proper estimate of the extent of our knowledge.”
What was Plotinus most known for?
He was the creator of neoplatonism and wrote the Enneads
Why does Thales matter?
He was THE first philosopher which introduced the concept of logic and reasoning
What was Peter Abelard the founder of?
What was Hegel most known for?
The Phenomenology of spirit
What did Martin Heidegger question?
Human existence, why we are here, and what our responsibilities are as free and independent humans
What contradicting belief did Aquinas have?
Instead of faith or reason, he believed in faith and reason
What did Aristotle lay the groundwork for?
All of science and ethics
What is William of Ockham's idea of philosophy?
human beings perceive objects through "intuitive cognition"
How did Descarters deductive methods start?
Doubting everything that is not self-evident.
What title was Wittgenstein given by many people?
Most people call him the " greatest philosopher of the 20th centry"
What is the Socratic Method?
The continual asking of probing questions in order to find the true beliefs and the definitions of things.
What was Saurez was known for?
Theology, Philosphy of Law, and Metaphysics
What is the best University in North Carolina
North Carolina State University